Chapter Twenty-Four

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We ran up to the place where Nuclea lay dormant, which was currently guarded by children of the Swords of Justice. "We're ready." we told them. They parted ways and we prepared to face Zeke.

"Ah, yes. It's you." Zeke said, stepping towards me. "I see you have brought some friends with you, both old and new. Well, I have done the same thing."

Suddenly, Rae stepped out. "You all know Rae, right?" he asked. 

"Of course we know Rae. She worked with you last year." Terrence said. 

"Well, she's working with me again this time. Right, Rae?" 

"Right, Zeke." she replied, her alto voice sounding as mature and intimidating as ever.

Then, a girl with grey skin and silver hair with blue highlights stepped out. She was wearing a grey winter coat and blue pants with black snow boots. "This is Kylie Grey. She's a daughter of Kyurem, and her heart is as cold as her ice." Zeke said.

"Wait, Kylie Grey?" Terrence said. "I thought you had a medium skin tone." 

"Well, that was just makeup." Kylie replied. "Whenever I go out in public, I'm publicly %$@#*& shunned for being half-Kyurem, because Kyurem is supposedly a monster who eats people or some #$&% like that. So I have to wear this expensive %$@#*& makeup whenever I go out in public in order to look %$@#*& normal! My life is %$@#*& torture. Anyways, I was wearing it on the day I arrived because in order to GET to the %$@#*& boat in the first place, I had to pass by a #$&% ton of $&&#%@^& who would judge the #$&% out of me otherwise."

"Would you keep the swearing to a minimum?" Lucy said. "There are KIDS at this camp!"

"Now, I must reveal my secret weapon." Zeke said. "She has been frozen in ice for almost 2000 years, and Rae was able to thaw her out using her fire. I then asked her to fight on our side, and she agreed, because she's so gullible. However, as she is a daughter of Arceus, she is one of the most powerful demi-legendaries alive right now. BEHOLD! Hinata Kamikokoro!" 

He stepped back to reveal a girl with white hair, the ears and tail of Arceus, a gold ring encircling her waist much like the ring around Arceus, and heterochromia (one red eye, one green). She was wearing what could best be described as a metal bikini- a golden chest plate that left her midriff exposed, silver shoulder pads, a golden plate covering her crotch area that looked like metal underwear, golden gauntlets, and silver high-heeled boots with gold tips.

"Like lol hi!!!!!" Hinata said. "My name is Hinata Kamikokoro and im like so much better than all of u. Like look at me. Im literally perfect. Do u c how flawless my complexion is after 1,983 years??? #perf! And do u gaiz c that i have a perfect body??? #fabulous! Like thats why my armor is the way it is. I wanted to look fab. I mean Zeke said it was "extremely impractical" but i dont care i look fine as heck. Like i sometimes wish i could marry myself because no 1 is as perfect as me. Do u gaiz understan???"

"No, you turdblaster, you're just really stuck up." Gigi said.

"Also, why is your speech pattern so insufferably annoying?" Kitty asked.

"Well, after being unfrozen, I tried to teach her how modern people spoke by showing her how people talked on social media and other such sites." Zeke replied. "It worked a little too well."

"Anyways, we are ready to take you on!" I exclaimed. 

"Alright." Zeke said. "So, Hinata, you will fight Reggie and... uh... Kitty, I think her name was?"

"Like sure thing!!!" Hinata replied.

"Kylie, you will fight Paul and Gigi." Zeke continued.

"Fine." Kylie replied. "They're both %$@#*& ugly anyways."

"Hey!" Gigi and Paul both said.

"And finally," Zeke finished. "Rae and I will deal with the other three."

I stood up. "It's on." I told him.

Zeke laughed. "We'll see about that."

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