Chapter 6

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//Rick's POV

Everyone from Alexandria gathered around me, waiting for me to speak.

But I didn't want to start without Carl.

He said he wouldn't be very long.

"Where is that boy?" I whispered angrily.

//Carl's POV

Enid and I stopped running when we came to the dock.

I let go of her hand and sat down, letting my legs hang over the edge.

Enid sat down next to me, taking off her backpack and setting it behind her.

She turned to me. "So what happened?" she asked.

I took a deep breath before starting. "Negan surrounded us before we could get to Hilltop." I could hear her breath get caught in her throat. "He had us down on our knees. Said we were gonna work for him. But he said he was gonna kill one of us for killing so many of his men. And he picked Glenn."

I could see Enid's hands clench into fists.

"They brought him up," I continued. "He was about to kill him, but...someone saved us." I didn't know why, but I didn't want to tell Enid about Tess. It felt wrong for some reason.

"What about Maggie?" she asked. "Is she okay?"

"We took her to Hilltop," I explained. "Her, Glenn, Sasha, and Abraham are gonna stay there so the doctor can perform an operation. They'll be there for a couple months."

Enid nodded, holding an air of confusion. I felt bad for not telling her about Tess, but I just didn't want her knowing about the person that was on my mind more than she should be.

We simply sat there in silence.

I saw Enid take out her lighter and start to play with it out of the corner of my eye.

She smirked a little and put her hand on top of mine.

I breathed out a laugh as I remembered that one night almost a year ago. I saw her sitting on the dock by herself, playing with her lighter, so I went and sat next to her and she put her hand on top of mine.

A/N: If you guys don't remember that flashback scene, it's this one:

A/N: If you guys don't remember that flashback scene, it's this one:

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A few hours later, it started raining so we just read comics in my room

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A few hours later, it started raining so we just read comics in my room.

Suddenly, we heard a knock on the door and my dad came in.

He seemed slightly shocked to see Enid with me. "You guys missed the meeting," he scolded. "Carl, you said you wouldn't be very long."

"I lost track of time," I lied. "I'm sorry."

"It's my fault, Rick," Enid stepped in. "Carl said he needed to go but I demanded him to explain what happened on the run. Once he got done, it started to rain and I guess we had forgotten about the meeting."

I could tell my dad was pissed at Enid but he decided to keep it in.

"Don't do it again," he warned and closed the door behind him.

I turned to Enid. "Thanks," I said.

She smiled. "What are best friends for?"

Author's Note: In literally all of my stories, Carl and Enid are boyfriend and girlfriend and it's honestly kinda refreshing to have them just be friends for a little while

Anyways, I'm kinda freaking out because I drew the t@gged logo last night and posted it on my Instagram. Brendon Meyer (Eric) and Timothy Granaderos (Ash) liked it!! 😆😆😆

My best friend and I only texted each other in all caps for the rest of the night because we were so excited 😂😂😂

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