Chapter 14

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Carl's POV

As I followed Tess through the woods, my mind kept wandering back to Enid. Was she okay? Was she still pissed?

Even though I was kinda mad at her, she was still my best friend. Of course I was going to worry about her.

Finally, Tess stopped walking and sat down against a rotting log.

I sat against the log across from her.

"So," I said slowly. "How's your day been?"

She chuckled a little. "Apart from having to sneak out of my camp without my mom noticing, it's been peachy."

I smiled a little before we fell into silence.

After a moment, she spoke up.

"You know, I've been thinking," she told me. "I hardly know anything about you."

I chuckled. "And you're a big mystery to me," I agreed.

"We should play one of those get-to-know-each-other games," she suggested. "Like twenty questions."

After some hesitation, I nodded. "Okay," I said. "You go first."

"Alright," she mumbled and looked up at the sky, thinking.

Finally, she sighed and looked down at me. "What was...your first kiss?" she asked.

I opened my mouth to answer, but nothing came out.

After a moment of confusion, realization crossed her face before she held a look of disbelief.

"You've never kissed anyone?" she asked, like she couldn't believe her ears.

I was able to close my mouth before slowly shaking my head, feeling embarrassed.

"I was never really that guy in school," I admitted. "I was a pretty big nerd. My turn. When was your first kiss?"

Tess looked off to the side, a little smirk coming on her face.

"I was 9," she answered. "His name was Josh. He, uh, he kissed me at the top of the dome at the playground. The most cliché 9 year old kiss to ever exist."

I chuckled. "Was he your first boyfriend."

She smiled a little. "Boyfriend is one word to describe was he was to me, I guess," she laughed. "But hey, that's two questions. Against the rules."

I put my hands up in playful surrender.

"Okay," she said, thinking of a question. "Um, that girl, you know that called you to gate watch when we were gardening, who is she?"

Oh, that's, um," I laughed in spot of myself. "That's Enid. She's my best friend. She can get a little moody at times, though."

She nodded, seeming to be able to relate.

"My turn," I pointed out. "Do you have any siblings?"

I smile came on Tess's face but it quickly faded. She nodded. "I have a sister," she confirmed. "Lydia."

I nodded. It seemed like her and her sister had kind of a strained relationship.

"My turn," she said in a playfully smug voice before becoming serious. "What happened to your eye?"

My hang automatically went up to my bandage. I considered not telling her for a moment before deciding against it.

"It got shot out," I sighed. "Around 3 months ago."

"God," she breathed. "That sucks."

I nodded. A silence followed.

After a moment, she quietly reminded me, "It's your turn."

Snapping out of it, I tried to think of a question. Then, I noticed her tight, long sleeve shirt.

"Why do you always wear long sleeves?" I asked. "It's so hot out."

The smile was quickly wiped off her face. She put her hand lightly over her right forearm.

"Oh, um," she stuttered. "I-um."

Suddenly, a voice cut through the silence.

"Tess!" a female voice called. "Where are you?"

Tess's face immediately became alert.

"Shit," she mumbled under her breath.

She then turned to me. "Go," she whispered, shooing me off with her hand. "Over here!"

"Go!" she whispered again. "Meet me here again tomorrow. But go! Quickly!"

I nodded and scrambled to my feet and ran off.

//Tess's POV

Once I was sure that Carl was out of sight, I turned around to see my mom and Lydia coming through the trees.

Once my mom saw me, she gave me a confused look.

"What are you doing out here?" she asked.

"Hunting," I said simply.

"Without permission?" she asked, clearly pissed.

"We're low on food," I pointed out. "I figured I needed to."

She gave me a suspicious look before pressing. "Who were you talking to?" she asked.

"No one," I answered.

"I heard you having a conversation with someone," she continued.

I shrugged. "I wasn't," I assured her. "You must be hearing things. Wouldn't be the first time."

She narrowed her eyes at me before saying, "Cut the attitude and let's go."

And with that, she turned and started walking back home.

I sighed and Lydia and I followed her.

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