Chapter 34

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//Carl's POV

I was taking a walk when I heard Spencer call my name."

"Carl! There's someone here! She's asking for you!"


I jogged to the gate.

"Open it," I told him.

He nodded and obeyed.

The gate opened to reveal Tess, nervously rubbing her hands together.

I smiled. "Hey," I greeted. "I was just about to come and meet you."

She smiled back, the action shaky. "Yeah," she said. "I, uh, just wanted to come by. To see how everyone's doing."

Not seeing anything wrong with that, I nodded.

She walked in.

//Tess's POV

Carl and I walked next to each other, conscious to not make any physical contact so nobody would suspect is being together.

God, I was so nervous. I didn't want to do this. This was the last thing I wanted to do. But what say did I actually have in this? None.

I was torn out of my thoughts by two people approaching us.

I recognized the guy to be the one I saved the that night. And the way he interacted with the woman next to him, I could guess that she was his wife. Her stomach was protruding slightly.

The man's eyes widened as he stopped in front of us. He just looked at me.

"Are you Tess?" he asked.

I nodded.

He immediately pulled me into a tight hug. I returned it in slight shock.

"Thank you," he mumbled (A/N: 😭😭😭). "Thank you so much."

I smiled into his shoulder. "Anytime," I replied softly.

Once he let go, he chuckled. "I'm Glenn, by the way."

"Nice to meet you," I said sincerely.

I turned to his wife. She definitely looked better than she did that night.

"I'm Maggie," she introduced, a big smile on her face.

I held out my hand, a smile on my face as well.

She glanced down at the gesture, before moving in and wrapping her arms around me.

I breathed out a laugh and returned the hug.

"Thank you for saving him," she mumbled.

I know I was supposed to feel happy, but I ended up simply feeling worse about what I was about to do.

"Glenn," Carl said from next to me. "Can you gather everyone up at my house?"

Glenn nodded and him and Maggie headed off.


Carl and I leaned against the counter as we watched people file in.

A big and broad redhead that I recognized from the lineup approached me.

"I'm Abraham," he introduced (A/N: 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭).

I shook his hand.

"Thanks for saving Glenn," he said.

I smiled. "It was nothing," I assured him. "Negan was being a dick."

As he chuckled, my eyes traveled to two people walking in the door.

It was Enid and a guy who looked like he could've played polo before all of this walked in the door.

They settled on the opposite side of the room from us. The guy put his arm in the area behind Enid and she just looked off into space, not even acknowledging that he was there.

Carl just stared at him with a contempt look on his face, like he was his absolute least favorite person in the world.

It actually made me smile a little.

"Alright," Rick said loudly once everyone had settled down in his deep Southern accent. He turned to me. "Tess came today so she could meet with us. What did you want to say?"

I could feel my heartbeat quicken as everyone looked at me.

"Uhm," I breathed. "I just wanted to say that....just remember to never make Negan mad. Because, you know....he has a lot of weapons. Like a lot."

Once I got done speaking, I reflected on what had just came out of my mouth. I came here to get information on Rick's group, and I just gave Rick information on Negan.

"How many weapons?" Rick asked, leaning forward slightly. "And what kind?"

"Maybe around 350 knives, 200 guns of all kinds, a hundred bombs, s-stuff like that," I answered without hesitation.

Rick nodded and proceeded to speak.

What I didn't know was that someone had been watching from the window.

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