Chapter 26

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//Rick's POV

The next couple of days were spent helping Maggie, along with Glenn, Sasha, and Abraham, get settled again.

It was during these few days that Maggie really showed how strong she was.

She had been taking physical therapy with Eugene and started taking some short gate watches.

Carl and Enid had constant tension between them. I could tell my son really wanted to make up, but Enid was keeping him at an icy distance and I had no idea why. Every time I tried to ask Carl about it, he would shake his head and claim that everything was fine.

I sighed and headed out to gate watch.

//Tess's POV

Instead of heading over to the swings, Carl and I climbed to the top of the dome, sitting in opposite directions so we were facing each other.

"Carl?" I said, my voice serious. "Can I ask you a question?"

Surprised by my mood change, he nodded. "Yeah," he allowed.

I brought my hands together in front of me. "Why don't you ever take your bandage off?"

He immediately crossed his arms nervously. "Um," he mumbled, shrugging. "I don't know. My eye's hideous. No one wants to see it."

When he saw my reproachful look, he sighed. "It makes me feel like a monster."

I didn't respond for a moment. Finally, I asked, "Can I see it?"

"Tess, really," he tried to convince me. "You don't wanna see it."

"Yes, I do," I emphasized. "Please?"

He simply stared at me for a moment before slowly grabbing the gauze that wrapped around his head and pulling it off.

It was really intense. The scar went from right next to his nose to almost his ear. If his eye had gotten shot out, it must've been close-range.

Seeing the shocked expression that had to have been on my face, he shook his head and stared at the ground.

"See?" he asked. "It's hideous."

I reached forward and lightly put my hand on his leg, causing him to look up at me in surprise.

"It's not hideous," I told him. "It just proves you've been through some shit."

When he just continued to look at me, I sighed and became serious. "Everyone has scars," I explained. "Whether they're physical or mental. Everyone has some sort of scar to prove they've lived in this world."

Finally, he asked, "What are yours?"

I pressed my lips, hesitant to show him. He was strong enough to show me his.

I sighed and rolled up my sleeve, revealing my cuts.

Carl stared at my arm in total shock, slowly reaching forward and cupping my hand in his to get a closer look.

"Tess," he breathed.

I quickly pulled my arm back, pulling my sleeve down. "It's not a big deal," I mumbled, glancing off to the side.

"Yes, it is," he emphasized. "That's why you always wear long sleeves."

I smiled slightly and glanced back at him, an unwelcome tear sliding down my face.

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