Chapter 11

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//Carl's POV

I climbed to the top of the watch tower to see Enid leaning out the window, her eye up against scope of her rifle.

"Enid-" I started.

"Don't," she said forcefully, cutting me off, refusing to look at me.

"I don't understand why-" I tried again.

"What don't you understand about the word "don't"?" she asked, finally turning to look at me. "Just sit down and read and I'll tell you when it's your shift."

I thought about protesting but after realizing it wouldn't do any good, I sighed and sat down in the corner of the little room and started to read my favorite comic for the thousandth time.

//Tess's POV

I felt bad for leaving without saying goodbye to Carl, but I knew that my mom was probably already pissed that I left in the first place.

As I drove home on my motorcycle, my mind kept drifting to Carl. I realized that I liked the kid more than I thought I did. I also recognized that girl that called Carl to gate watch. It was the same girl that Carl was holding hands with in Negan's camp. Were they dating?

Finally, I pulled up to my camp. I got off my motorcycle, taking my helmet off and placing it on the seat.

Walking into camp, I said hi to Beta, our second in command, as he passed me.

Suddenly, I saw my mom. I could notice that shiny bald head from 5 miles away.

I tried to get past her without her seeing me, a task that I failed.

"Tess!" I heard her call.

I sighed and turned around to see her standing in front of me, and angry look on her face.

"Hi, mom," I said.

"Where have you been?" she asked, clipping off each word.

"Over at Alexandria," I answered before pushing past her and beginning to walk away.

"Alexandria?!" she yelled, making me stop and look at her again. "Why?!"

"Because they're cool," a I said simply. "I really don't understand what you have against them."

"Because," she explained, obviously still angry. "Negan is the closest thing we have to an alliance. And you know how he feels about those...Alexandrians."

"Oh, my God, mom," I laughed. "You're acting like Negan is this god that we need to bow down to. He's not!"

Before I could react, my mom raised her hand and whipped it across my face.

I slowly brought my hand up to my cheek as I looked up at her in pure hate.

She got really close to my face. "If I hear one more time that you're interacting with them," she said quietly, her voice dangerous. "What you're gonna get is gonna be a lot worse than a slap. Is that clear."

"Crystal," I said the through clenched teeth.

She didn't respond, just looked at me for a moment longer before walking away.

As my eyes followed my mom as she left, my sister Lydia, who had seen the whole thing, walked up and put her arm around me.

"It'll be okay, sis," she assured quietly.

I didn't look at her, just shook her arm off forcefully and walked home.

Author's Note: Just so you know, the Whispers are gonna have a different storyline here than they do in the comics.

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