Chapter 13

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Carl's POV

I was walking down the streets of Alexandria, heading to the gate, when I felt a tap on my shoulder.

I turned around to see Enid, standing behind me with her hands lightly on her hips.

"Hey," I greeted, a little nervous.

"Where are you going?" she asked skeptically.

"Uhm," I started. "My dad wanted me to do some hunting today. Just trying to keep him happy."

Enid nodded, still holding the skeptical expression before scoffing. "Fine," she said. "Don't tell me."

As she turned and started to walk away, I called, "Enid! Where are you going?"

She stopped and looked at me for a moment, a dull expression on her face, before saying, "Screw you, Carl."

And with that, she turned back around and continued to walk away.

I stared after her for a moment before rolling my eyes and continuing to walk to the gate.

She was really starting to piss me off.

As I approached the entrance, Michonne, who was on watch, looked down at me in confusion.

"Carl?" she called. "Where are you going?"

"My dad wanted me to hunt," I responded. "I'll be careful and I won't take long, promise."

She simply looked at me for a moment, obviously debating whether to let me go, before sighing. "You better keep that promise," she told me before opening the gate.

I smiled in thanks before walking out.

//Tess's POV

Somehow managing to get out of camp unseen by everyone, even my mom, I headed into the forest.

I really hoped Carl got my note. And that he knew where to meet.

Hearing growling, I turned around to see a roamer coming towards me.

Sighing, I kicked it in the chest, sending it to the ground, put my foot on top of it, and plunged my knife into it's head.

After killing a few more roamers, I continued walking.

I halted to a stop when I heard twigs snapping. I looked around, finding nothing that could've been the source of it.

A roamer? My mom? Lydia?

I heard more twigs snap, causing me to look around more frantically.

I held my knife so that the blade stuck out to my right when I held it up.

Suddenly, I felt hands grab my shoulders.

Yelping, I swung my knife around, trying to hit the roamer, only to be stopped by a hand grabbing my arm.

I turned around to see Carl, looking at me in shock.

I took a shaky breath and lowered my knife, putting it back in my holster.

"God, Carl," I breathed. "I'm sorry."

"You okay?" he asked.

I nodded and ran my hand through my hair. "I'm just kinda on edge today. So I see you got my note."

"Yeah," he confirmed. "It's kinda hard to miss it when you taped it to my window."

We both laughed a little.

I started walking, but stopped when I realized Carl wasn't following.

I chuckled. "You coming or not?" I asked.

Realization came onto his face and he ran to catch up with me.

I liked this kid.

Author's Note: I might not be able to update Additions until tomorrow 😔

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