Chapter 21

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//Carl's POV

The next morning, I started to walk over to the wall, pegs in hand.

I had been able to sneak out of the house relatively easily, which came as a shock to me. Considering how much my dad didn't want me hanging out with Tess, I was surprised he didn't have the entire group blocking the door.

I was about to fit the first peg into the wall when, I heard a voice.


I turned around to see Enid staring at me with her arms crossed.

I sighed and faced her.

"You have to be an idiot at this point," she told me.

I slightly rolled my eyes at her comment.

She scoffed. "Did you not hear your dad?" she asked. "Tess could be a Savior." She pointed at me a little. "You remember them, right? The people that almost killed Glenn?"

"Enid," I said, my voice low. "She's not a Savior."

"And you know this, how?" she asked sarcastically.

"The Saviors hate us," I explained. "She's loyal to us. Why would she be loyal to us if she hates us?"

I paused, waiting for her to say something back.

"We're all gonna get killed," she mumbled. "And it's gonna be because of you."

And with that, she turned and jogged away.

I wasn't going to lie. Her words stung. Badly.

I sighed sadly and turned back to the wall, climbing up it and jumping down on the other side.

Walking slowly and cautiously into the woods, my eyes kept darting everywhere. My hand gripped my knife.

A twig cracking caught my attention. Snapping my head up, I turned towards the noise.

A moment later, I saw someone come out from behind a tree.


I sighed in relief as she walked up to me.

"You're here," I observed.

She smiled a little. "I told you I would be."

We simply stood there for a moment, looking at each other.

Finally, Tess looked away. "Come on," she said before turning to look back at me. "I've got something to show you."

She lightly took my hand and pulled me with her.

We ran until we broke through the tree line, coming onto a road.

"Check it out," she chuckled.

Standing on the road, was a big black, shiny motorcycle.

I felt my jaw drop. "You have a motorcycle?" I exclaimed.

Tess laughed as we walked up to it. "Yeah," she confirmed, lightly touching the seat. "I stole it right when all of this started."

"And you know how to ride it?" I asked.

She nodded. "My cousin was a really big redneck so I learned pretty early on."

//Tess's POV

I got on the vehicle, straddling the seat.

Turning to Carl, I saw that his jaw was still on the floor, making me snicker.

"Have you ever ridden a motorcycle before?" I asked.

Gaining his composure, he nodded. "A guy in my group has one."

After thinking for a moment, I snapped and pointed at him. "Daryl, right?"

Seeming surprised, he answered, "Yeah. Wait, how'd you know?"

I shrugged. "I heard Dwight talking about him."

He nodded.

"So," I continued. "Have you ever ridden on a motorcycle with a 17 year old girl driving?"

His eyes...or, well, eye...widened slightly and he shook his head.

"Well," I sighed. "I think it's about time you have."

"Why?" he asked.

I rolled my eyes playfully, wondering how he could be so oblivious.

"I wanna show you something," I answered.

After a moment of hesitation, he nodded and got on the back of the motorcycle.

I chuckled as struggled to know where to put his hands.

"Do I put my hands on your waist?" he finally asked awkwardly.

Trying not to burst out in laughter, I answered, "Yes, unless you wanna fall off."

A moment later, I felt him grip my waist.

I felt my body tense up a little. I took a deep breath and forced myself to calm down.

I fired up the engine and we were moving.

Author's Note: I feel really bad for Enid tbh 😂

Things are heating up between Carl and Tess. What do you think's gin happen between them? 😏

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