Chapter 28

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//Enid's POV

I walked towards the main gates, my gun in hand.

Carl and I were planning to hang out by the lake today, but, once again, he cancelled because of Tess. I know I'm making it seem like my whole world revolves around Carl. It doesn't. It's just kind of hard when you only have one friend in this world.

So I decided to go out hunting. Rick had given me permission after making me promise to be careful.

Maggie was on gate watch.

Her face held a surprised look when she saw me.

"Enid?" she said. "Where are you going?"

"Hunting," I answered. "Rick gave me permission."

"You're going alone?" she asked. "Are you sure about that? I can Glenn to go with you."

"Nope, I'm okay," I assured, forcing my voice to stay even.

Finally, she sighed and opened the gate.

And with that, I walked into the forest.

//Tess's POV

I had been waiting for Carl for about 10 minutes. As I sat against a rotten log, I was getting really nervous that he wasn't going to show. Not that I'd blame him. God, why did I have to kiss him?

Suddenly, I heard leaves rustling behind me, I immediately twisted my body towards the noise, gripping my knife in case it was a roamer.

I stumbled to my feet as the sound got closer.

Suddenly, the source of the noise came through the trees.

It was Carl.

He was walking towards me at a steady pace. I couldn't read his facial expression.

I mentally took a deep breath before talking.

"Carl," I started, my voice shaky. "I'm sorry. I know-"

I was cut off by him smashing his lips against mine.

After being in shock for a few moments, I slowly put my hands on his shoulders.

When we came up for air, he simply stared at me.

"Well," I said, breathless. "I guess you're not mad."

He smiled slightly before kissing me again.

//Enid's POV

I was quietly following a woodchuck when I heard the sound of a guy screaming, causing the animal to run away.

Groaning, I ran towards the sound.

I came to a clearing to see a guy trying to fend off a group of walkers. He didn't look like he had been bit yet.

I knew that the fight was too close for me to be able to get in there with my knife so I just took out my gun and started shooting them.

Now that the guy knew I was helping him, he seemed to pull newfound energy of I-don't-know-where and started scrambling for his knife, staving them in the head.

Finally, we were able to put all of them down.

I simply stood there while the guy caught his breath. That was when I was able to get a good look at him.

He was around my age. His chestnut hair stopped right above his brown eyes and he had a tall muscular build. Definitely attractive.

As he approached me, I crossed my arms over my chest to let him know that I didn't intend to have a conversation.

He seemed to realize this, for he kept his distance. But he still wasn't too far away.

"Thanks for the help," he said, his voice ruggedly charming. He held out his hand. "I'm Derick."

I glanced down at his hand for a moment before looking back up at him. "Enid," I introduced hardly, making no move to make physical contact.

He nodded and lowered his hand, yet he didn't look hurt. He had a slight smile on his face, as if he were expecting it.

"You bit?" I asked, doing my best to seem uninterested.

He shook his head. "No," he denied. "Thanks to you."

I looked off to the side, hoping that the action conveyed me being annoyed at how cheesy he was when it was really for me to hide my red cheeks.

"Well," I said finally, looking back at him. "Good. I guess I'll be seeing you."

I turned and started to walk away.

"Enid!" I heard Derick call.

I sighed and turned back toward him, secretly a little glad he called me.

He trotted up to me.

"Do you have a camp?" he asked, getting nervous.

Pressing my lips together, I wondered if I should tell him about Alexandria. I mean, I barely knew the guy. Maybe Rick could check him...

"Yeah," I answered. "I live in a safe-zone. It's close."

"Would it be okay if I came back with you?"

"You can," I invited, my arms still crossed against my chest. "But whether you live there or not isn't up to me. It's up to our leader."

"Okay," Derick said. "That's fine. Thanks."

I nodded and I turned and headed back to Alexandria, Derick next to me.

I pressed my lips together as his arm brushed mine.

//Tess's POV

Carl and I decided to not go to the park
today. We simply just sat against a log in a secluded spot of the woods. His arm was around me while my head laid on his shoulder, eyes closed. I wasn't gonna lie, being able to just not worry about anything and just enjoy spending time with someone I like was amazing.

Like I couldn't remember the last time I didn't to worry about anything. It felt like a ton of weights had fallen off my shoulders.

But as everyone knows, a world like this can't allow you to be happy.

My eyes shot open as I heard growling.

Carl noticed it, too, for he got up at the same time as me.

We both pulled out our knives.

"Ready?" I asked.

"Yeah," he breathed.

As soon as the first roamer came at me, I kicked its chest and sent it to the ground before plunging my knife into its skull.

I saw Carl grab another one by the shoulder and send his junior through its jaw out of the corner of my eye.

Once we had killed all of them, I looked up at the sky, breathing heavily.

The sun looked like it was about to set. Beta said I needed to be back by dark.

"We better go," I painted.

I turned and started walking when I felt a hand grab my arm.

Turning around, I saw Carl coming towards me before pulling me close, kissing me.

I smirked into the kiss, wrapping my arms around his neck.

Author's Note: So it seems like Carl and Tess are a thing now. I know some of you might not be happy about that. Sorry 😕

Do you trust Derick?

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