Chapter 18

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//Carl's POV

I turned around sharply when I heard the gun cock.

Getting up slowly, I pulled out my own gun, gripping it tightly.

Raising it up to my eye, I walked toward the sound.

Suddenly, I heard a bunch of twigs snap and Rosita appeared from behind a tree.

We simply stood there for a moment in shock, our guns pointed at each other, before I sighed and we lowered our weapons.

"Geez, Rosita," I said, laughing a little. "Scared the shit out of me."

"Yeah," she agreed. "Same. What are you doing out here?"

"Um," I muttered softly, trying to come up with something other than I was meeting a girl I wasn't supposed to be talking to. "Just hunting. I was taking a break."

She nodded. "Caught anything yet?"

I shook my head.

Rosita sighed, seeming disappointed. "We better go back. Gabe's arranging a "family dinner". Just hope Rick and Michonne will be back in time."

I nodded reluctantly and followed her back towards the gate.

Where the hell was Tess?

//Tess's POV

As I approached the gate to Negan's compound, I heard growling behind me. Turning around, I saw a roamer stumbling towards me.

I fished my knife out of its holster before cutting off the roamer's head and leaning down and stabbing it's brain.

As I wiped the blood from the knife on my pants, I heard slow clapping behind me.

Turning towards the sound, I saw Dwight watching from the top of the gate.

"That's quite a way to announce yourself, Tess," he complemented.

I chuckled, crossing my arms. "Nice to see you, too, Dwight."

"You here to see Negan?" he asked.

"Like usual," I confirmed.

He nodded and opened the gate for me.

I slowly walked in.

Author's Note: I'm sorry these chapters are so boring. They will get more interesting soon, I promise!

But what do you think? Is Tess secretly a Savior? Or is she bout to become one?

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