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One dark night... A boy named Byun Baekhyun was so drunk in love... But the girl he loves cheated on him... It was raining...

"Such... A perfect night for me... Huh?!" Baekhyun scoffed and drink his suju. Baekhyun is now wet and he don't cares if he get sick.

Baekhyun walked slowly while he is already falling. Baekhyun shook his head and someoned bumped at him.

Baekhyun look at the person and its a girl. He saw that her expression is a little bit guilty.

"Yah! Watch were you walking!" Baekhyun scold the girl. The girl get flinch suddenly.

"So-sorry, i-i was no-not loo-looking..." The girl stuttered and she seems so scared. The girl is soaked in the rain also.

"Get out of my way!" Baekhyun shoved her away to able to walk again.

While Baekhyun was walking, the girl called him. "Ahjussi... But you broke my precious necklace..." The girl said and Baekhyun seems get mad.

"I don't care if it brokes! Go away now!" Baekhyun shouted and the girl didn't want to cry but it just came out automatically right from her eyes.

"But... Ahjussi... It is really important..." The girl whispered and continue to cry. The rain get more harder.

"You know! I don't even know you! So go away now! And im not an ahjussi!" Baekhyun shouted once again and walk. Leaving the girl collapsing on the ground and she picked her broken necklace.

"My precious necklace..." She whispered and hugged it in the middle of the lonely path with hard rain.

She continue to cry, until Baekhyun come back for her. She looked up and hugged her necklace again.

"Stand up..." Baekhyun whispered softly. The girl looked at her and Baekhyun is offering his right hand.

"I said stand up!" Baekhyun shouted and the girl accept his offer and she stand up.

"Here... I bought you an umbrella... I cannot stand a girl crying in the middle of the rain with her stupid broken bracelet..." Baekhyun reasoned, before the girl can decision.

"Its actually not a bracelet ahjussi... Its a necklace... And by the way... Thanks for the umbrella even though im already soaked in the rain..." The girl said and accept the umbrella.

"Im sorry for being rude earlier too..." Baekhyun apologized and the girl let out a warming smile for the first time which makes Baekhyun step back and mesmerized her smile.

"I don't know ahjussi that you have that soft heart also..." The girl said and point his heart. Baekhyun looked where she is pointing and it is in his heart.

Baekhyun don't know what to answer so he remain cool. He shoved her hands away and the girl come back what she is too earlier.

"By the way... Im Byun Baekhyun.." Baekhyun introduced himself. The girl saw that Baekhyun raised his right hand.

'If i have to say my name too in this stranger?... Okay... I think he's kind...'

"Kim Taeyeon" Taeyeon simply answered and they shake hands then the rain get more harder again.

"Come on now!" Baekhyun said and grabbed Taeyeon's wrist without asking a permission.

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