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Today is Taeyeon's first day in her work, she really seems to love it and the scene from earlier kills her everytime she sang a note.

Taeyeon just let her feelings out and let it feel the current atmosphere that is going on.

She looked at Candance and smiled while they harmonized. Candace smiled back and look at the people back.

Taeyeon look back too and they finished the song flawlessly. The people cheer them and they bowed and thank them.

"Thank you everybody!" Candace thank and smiled widely.

The people wants an encore but they need to rest since its been 3 songs straight that they have been singing.

Taeyeon walks out first and go to the bartender area. Candace followed her and sit next to her.

"Taeyeon, to be honest, your voice sounds angelic!"

"Is that a compliment?"

"Woah... Easy... Yes it is!" Candace said and take a shot.

"Thanks anyways..."

Candace nodded and sigh.

"Are you still keeping that promise from me?" Candace asked and Taeyeon pouted.

"You mean Jina unnie's son?" Taeyeon asked and she nodded.

"Of course and stop being crazy... I really don't know him..." Taeyeon said and drink a warm water.

Gilby raise his right eyebrow and chuckled.

"What?" Candace asked him and he just chuckled.

He finished to wipe the glass first before answering her.

"She's right.. Stop being crazy.." Gilby said and Candace fake a smile.

"Taeyeon, you promise me that, okay?" Candace asked once again and making sure that Taeyeon won't betray her.

"Yah! Why are you so protective?" Taeyeon couldn't hold it back but to ask it.

"You know, its been 2 years since my feelings started to grow on him and i still didn't stop until now... But..."

Taeyeon raised her eyebrow and Candace sigh.

"But... He said... He loves somebody else and still waiting for her to answer him..." Candace continued and Taeyeon nodded.

"Y-" Taeyeon got cut off when Candace interrup her.

"If i was that girl! I would literally answer him immediately!!" Candace said and take another shot.

"How much is he perfect for you?" Taeyeon asked and Candace seems to love the question.

"He is perfect!! Really perfect! Even though he have that bad business but!!! Still love him!!!"

Taeyeon got cut off when she wants to say something but Candace point her.

"So! Dont ask me about anything because he is already perfect!" Candace said and take a last shot.

"I-i was going to say... T-that..."

"What?" Candace asked.

"That don't drink cold water..." Taeyeon remind and Candace look at her drink and it is cold water than warm water.

Candace smiled embarrassly and play it cool.

"Don't worry! Have done it many times!" Candace said and Gilby laugh. Candace kick the counter quietly and Gilby shook his head.

Then smiled at Taeyeon.

"Im just worried, since were going to sing last 2 songs..." Taeyeon said and Candace is suddenly having a hert attack.

"Yah! What?" Taeyeon asked worriedly and Candace cannot answer her and just keep fanning herself with her hands.

"Yah!" Taeyeon shouted and Candace is fangirling inside.

"He's here! Don't move!" Candace said and Taeyeon obeyed.

Footsteps are heard and its getting nearer and Candace slide her fingers through her hair. Then put some hair on her ear in the back.

Candace was expecting that he was going to greet her but not.

It turns out to be Taeyeon.

She was surprise too and he put his mask down and smiled warmly.

"Thats why, you must accept my offer earlier and we eat on the restaurant that is your favorite!" He said and Taeyeon was so surprise by his precense.


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