Rⓐⓘⓝ 01

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"Linda, can you get my snacks?" Taeyeon asked and wait for her snacks.

"Here ma'am" Linda said and Taeyeon get it then she eat one cookie.

"Ma'am, why would you just-" Taeyeon raised her right hand and that is the reason why Linda stop from speaking.

"I don't care, okay?" Taeyeon said coldly and drink the half of juice.

Taeyeon stand up and get her purse then she go outside. "Let Danny get ready the car" Taeyeon said and Linda obeyed her.

Taeyeon was left alone in the living room. "I don't care if i stop, okay?! I just... Im scared..." Taeyeon said and finish her juice.

"Ma'am the car is ready!" Linda shouted from the outside and Taeyeon walked outside.

"Linda, tell mom... I'm going to have some fun.." Taeyeon said before she get in the car. Linda nodded and wave at the car as it leaves.

Taeyeon put on her earphones and eat some candy. "Danny, to the favorite place" Taeyeon said brightly and Danny nodded.

"But ma'am its not that dark" Danny complain and Taeyeon pouted.

"Whatever, maybe you just go and i'll wait" Taeyeon said. Danny was about to protest but Taeyeon cut him.

"Don't mind about me, im old enough to take care of myself!" Taeyeon shouted and rolled her eyes then she get back to her normal self. The happy and childish Taeyeon. Danny shook his head and they are near to their destination.

Taeyeon put her earphoneback on the bag and she smiled when she looked at the sky. But she frowned.

"Taeyeon, remember the sky just not stay in one, it can be daylight and dark" Taeyeon scold herself and they arrived.

"Danny, tell mom like what i used to say some reason to you, okay?" Taeyeon remind Danny before he droved off. Danny nodded and Taeyeon locked the door.

The car drove off and Taeyeon sighed. Taeyeon walked downstairs and she saw Momcy Chin. Taeyeon waved at her happily and walked down.

Taeyeon is recently at the beach and she hugged Momcy Chin. "Aigoo~ Taengoo... Youre here again?" Chin asked and Taeyeon smiled sheepishly at her.

"Momcy, you looked like you are not used to it~" Taeyeon said and hugged Momcy Chin again.

"I will guess something... Not in the good mood again and ready to see the rain again?" Chin asked and Taeyeon smiled with her eyes then she released from the hug.

"Momcy, i used to grow up but i really cannot do it" Taeyeon explained and by the way Momcy Chin understand her.

"Taeyeon, lets go to the place where we like to position ourselves" Chin said and they walked.

"Momcy, i don't like the day today" Taeyeon said and looked up. Momcy Chin chuckled.

"Its because its still 3:30 in the afternoon" Chin said and they sat at the mat on the sand.

Taeyeon help Momcy Chin since Momcy Chin is in early 70's already. Momcy Chin lived only nearby from the beach and she is also the one who helped Taeyeon or not just Taeyeon from their problems and becomes inspiration by Taeyeon. And she is homeless.

"Momcy Chin~" Taeyeon called and Momcy Chin looked at her then she coughed.

"I hope, i would not lose you. You are the one who brought me from this life. I want to say you are really my inspiration because of this. I just not want to lose you by my side everyday" Taeyeon opened herself. Momcy Chin coughed and smiled sadly at Taeyeon.

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