Rⓐⓘⓝ 06

518 36 2

"Yah! Let me go! Ahjussi!" Taeyeon begged and Baekhyun didn't listen at her. Taeyeon looked at the way if where are they going and it looks like they are going to the mall again.

"Ahjussi..." Taeyeon whined and Baekhyun didn't listen again. They went into a school supplies area and Baekhyun buy a super glue.

"Can you let me go now? Ahjussi?" Taeyeon begged for once again and Baekhyun finished paying for the glue and he once grabbed Taeyeon again to the fast food area.

They found a empty table and Baekhyun let go Taeyeon now and Taeyeon hold her right arm.

"Where is it?" Baekhyun asked for the necklace. Taeyeon rolled her eyes first and get it anyway.

*it is really hard to fix it*

Taeyeon suddenly smirked and just watch Baekhyun that is now opening the glue. Baekhyun notice the look of Taeyeon.

"Ahjumma, don't worry this thing is going to be fine..." Baekhyun said and finally opened the glue.

'Well.. Let see ahjussi!...'

Baekhyun is now focused on the necklace and gluing it seriously. Taeyeon just looking at him in his perfect face features. Taeyeon put her hand in her face and watch him.

Baekhyun get distracted by the way Taeyeon looked at him. But he try to ignore it but it won't budge.

"Can you please stop it? And i can fix this thing already?" Baekhyun asked without looking at Taeyeon.

Taeyeon get surprised that Baekhyun can see her and she is now embarrassed. Taeyeon get her phone and get a picture of Baekhyun silently.

"Wow... Why do you look so perfect to me, ahjussi?" Taeyeon whispered and still looking at the picture that she just capture.

Baekhyun is now finished gluing the necklace and the surprise is it didn't broke but Taeyeon remember what Momcy said.

'But Momcy said that it is hard to fix it!'

"Ah... Um..." Baekhyun wait for her. Taeyeon give up and give Baekhyun his phone.

Baekhyun hit Taeyeon's head with his phone and Taeyeon wince. "Ahjumma, i hope this day is the last day i meet you!"

"Ahjussi, i hope also... So don't worry!" Taeyeon strike back and stick her tongue out.

Before Baekhyun leave, he ruffled Taeyeon's hair and Taeyeon glare at him and Baekhyun just laugh at her then he leave.

"Aish! That ahjussi!..." Taeyeon looked at the necklace once again and it really don't broke.

"I hope momcy, didn't lie at me..." Taeyeon pouted and looked at the necklace.


"No... She can't be... Momcy said that she have a golden heart... But how come the necklace is with her?... The necklace look the same as Momcy show to me... No she can't be the one... Maybe she have only the same one.." Baekhyun said before he drive.


Taeyeon is now in the bus waiting for her stop. "Byun Baekhyun... What a nice name!" Taeyeon compliment and get off the bus.

"Hello!" Someone greeted her. Taeyeon was surprised but she found out it was only Linda.

"Linda? Why are you here?" Taeyeon asked and Linda get her purse to bring it.

"How was the chase?" Londa joked and Taeyeon pouted.

"But Linda, this dress! I will not wear it again!" Taeyeon compliment and Linda nodded.

"Linda, did ahjussi look so good?" Taeyeon asked suddenly and Linda smirked secretly.

'I think ma'am is inlove'

"Actually, he looks good ma'am!... But he does not good look with you!" Linda joked and Taeyeon furrowed her eyebrows.

"Im just only joking... And i know you have some feelings towards that boy now..." Linda said brt whispered the last sentence. Taeyeon heard it but she just pretend that she didn't heard it.

'Do i?'

An update again! And im going to say Hi again to the ghost reader!♡

As always thanks for the suppport!♡

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