Rⓐⓘⓝ 19

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"We're siblings right?" Taeyeon asked while her heart is breaking one by one.

"No... It cant be... Is it true that he is your father?!" Baekhyun asked and he become serious.

"Yes! He is my father! Ever since he left and left a promise, he broke it and i found out that he is just only at yours... I should have known!" Taeyeon answered and going nuts, she walk out and Baekhyun chuckled.

"Dont tell me that you have forgotten what happened earlier?" Baekhyun asked as Taeyeon walks out.

"Yes! I forgot it! Thats why appa left me because of you! Thats why totally i should have known!!! Im.. Such... A ... Stupid person..." Taeyeon stopped and cry.

"Picking a wrong man in his life and agreeing at a woman's choice!" Taeyeon blurt out and make Baekhyun surprise by her words.

"Don't ever call our Momcy like that!"

"I should have died with my mother when i am born in this world! I am the one should be up there than her!! Its all my fault! Thats why, you should'nt have stop me earlier!" Taeyeon said and run away from Baekhyun.

Baekhyun followed her and Taeyeon is now at the road and she don't know what to do.

Until there was a car, stopping right in front of her. Taeyeon get in and the car drove.

Baekhyun rubbed his furiously and cry.

Baekhyun go inside his house and as the maid open the door, Baekhyun punch Jay so hard in the face.

"Tell me appa! Who is she in your life?!" Baekhyun asked angrily and Jay hold his jaw and look at his son.

"There is nothing to know about!!"

"Tell me! Because i dont want to hurt her feelings... As well as mine..." Baekhyun said and Jay shook his head.

"What do you mean by a no?! Ive heard your coversation with eomma that you left a family because eomma wants only you to be her wife and you left them! How dare you to be a appa!!!" Baekhyun punch his dad again and Margo come down and make them let go at each other.

"Please stop! I dont want this kind of situation!" Margo begged and Baekhyun chukled bitterly.

"I have something to do and that is business.." Baekhyun said as he take his leave.

Margo scan Jay's face and Jay shove her away.

"He's right! Why i am like this if i am a bad appa! I should have not agreed with you! You are the reason why my life is like this! I should experiencing a good life now with Tracy together with Taeyeon but you make us seperate with each other!" Jay said and go up.

Margo followed him and open the door. She saw that Jay is starting to pack some things.

"What are you going to do?!" Margo asked and Jay just continue to pack and Margo cried.

"Where are you going?!" Margo asked and she cannot take it anymore and she collapse. Jay saw what happened to her and immediately call an ambulance.


In the mysterious home

"Here, have some coffee..." He offered and Taeyeon accept it politely.

"Thank you..." Taeyeon awkwardly said and he chuckled.

"Don't act like you dont know me" He said and laugh.

"I know... I remember you... But... Still?" Taeyeon asked and he nodded.

"It didn't change?!" Taeyeon asked and he nodded.

"Woah.. You are a nice person to me... I mean you're being loyal..." Taeyeon said in amazement and he laugh again and sit beside him.

"As long as its Kim Taeyeon.." He said and Taeyeon stop from drinking her coffee.

"Yah... Its been-"

"I know... Dont worry about it! Its just a years, but this! *point at his heart* its an organ, it can only replace when it get disease..." He said.

"Sungyeol... Stop... And i am just happy for you.." Taeyeon said and Sungyeol shook his head.

"I am still hoping until now for your approval... Like what i said 2 years ago... As long as you didn't answer me, i will always take some time to hear your approval..." Sungyeol said and Taeyeon sigh.

"Have dinner with me tonight, since i met you again!" Sungyeol suggested and Taeyeon shook her head.

"I sadly cancel your offer because i just cant... I have a work at that time, so maybe next time.."

"Ahhh.. Okay, its a next time then... Just.. Um... Relax at here first and take your time and when you woke up! You will get meet by a lunch time!" Sungyeol reminded and Taeyeon nodded.

He let Taeyeon lay down at his bed and leave her alone in his room.

"You still look pretty..."

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