Rⓐⓘⓝ 03

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"Aigoo~" Baekhyun scoled himself and hit his head.

"I drink too much last night!" Baekhyun compliment and found out that there is a towel in his head. He take it off and he feels pain right after.

"Impossible... How do i get a fever?" Baekhyun asked and he try to get up and remember what haopened last night.

"I don't even remember what happened last night..."

"Ho-how do i got home?... Last time i remember, i drunk because of a problem... And i ended up here?" Baekhyun continue to question himself.

Someone knocked at the door and it opened. "Im glad you are now okay, son" Mr. Byun said and Baekhyun forced himself to go up but he is wobbling but still managed.

Mr. Kim helped his son but Baekhyun shoved him away. Baekhyun get in the restroom and leaving his dad.

"Tss... Look how red this beautiful face is?" Baekhyun compliment and hold his chin then he posed like he is the one. He winked and point everytime.

After some minutes, he finally finished his business in the restroom. Baekhyun wiped his hair and noticed some mails in his bed.

Baekhyun picked some mails and there is 3 of them. One of them is from his best friend Mike, the other one is from random girl and the last one is look like not familiar to him.

"Huh... Another unfamiliar mail..." He scoffed and he opened it first than his best friend mail.

He opened it and confused is the first emotion that comes in his mind.

*Dear Ahjussi,

I think you forget something last night... I won't give it back though ^•^... sorry.. But what is your action is the deserve for the revenge... Thank you and ba-bye Ahjussi~ ^•^.........
Oh i forgot something to tell you.. Ahjussi i hope you don't remember because i think i made you get mad at me last night... Sorry, just.. Ahh...

You still didn't fix the necklace Ahjussi... T.T... you are so drunk last night and my hope.. I wish it comes true Π_Π......... :p....

By: Ahjumma ,ㅋㅋㅋ*

Baekhyun cannot help but to think who send this letter to him. He cursed under his breath and plan to go at his best friends house.

Baekhyun ignore everybody and proceed to his car and he was about to drive but he remember something.

"First i have to call Mike...." Baekhyun said and he touch his pocket but his phone was not there.

"Aish... Maybe i left it..." Baekhyun said and he saw that one maid is going to clean the pool. Baekhyun immediately call her.

"Yah... Can you get my phone up there and can you make it fast?!" Baekhyun command and the maid obeyed.

Baekhyun wait for her patiently, he is looking at his finger nails until the maid comeback with no phone.

"Sir, im sorry but i didn't found your phone... Your dad even try to call but there is no phone ringing..." The maid explained but Baekhyun just drive off because he got little mad.

While driving, many questions came into Baekhyun's mind. 'My phone is not in the house? But where? Baekhyun think about where are you last night?!'

Baekhyun shook his head and back his focus on the road. Suddenly an image of hard rain come into his mind. "Rain?"

Another picture again. "Necklace... Girl?..." Baekhyun said so confused.

Rain (BAEKYEON) ✔Where stories live. Discover now