Rⓐⓘⓝ 09

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"Momcy Chin... Can you tell me already who are you referring to?" Taeyeon asked and Momcy Chin chuckled. "Why Momcy Chin? Did i do anything funny?" Taeyeon asked again and Momcy Chin shook her head.

"Let me tell you, taengoo... You already found him..." Momcy Chin said and Taeyeon furrowed her eyebrows. "Who?" Taeyeon asked and looked at Momcy Chin.

"You know what... Im leaving... I have to go... But as i said... You already found him..." Momcy Chin said and before Taeyeon can speak, Momcy Chin leaves. She sighed deeply and looked at the sand and it is still not damaged by the sea.

"Crazy.." Taeyeon said and looked at the sea. "Who is Momcy Chin referring to? I don't know what is she talking about... But.. I met many strangers everywhere and i dont know who is he... Not the guy from the store... Not the drunk man... Not the repair guy... And not as well... ahjussi..." Taeyeon said and planned to get back home.

*At Taeyeon's home*

"Eomma! I want to work..." Taeyeon said as she stop eating and her eomma look at her. "Are you okay with that?" Tracy asked and Taeyeon nodded.

"But honey... You didn't even go at university's and you want to work?" Tracy asked and Taeyeon sighed. "What kind of work would you like?"

"Eomma... I want to express my feelings... The work that i want is... That every night i have a gig at a mini restaurant.. And i have to sing.." Taeyeon explained and seems the bright side of Taeyeon appears, Tracy sighed and she dont know if she have to answer yes.

"But... Singing... Makes your memories comes back with your father..." Tracy reminded and make Taeyeon's heart beats hard. She remember some happy memories that she share with her father. Taeyeon's father left them and even tell her that he will comeback but she is hoping what he said until now.

"I know... Thats why i try to express my feelings through music and thats final... A decision is a decision.. So let me be!" Taeyeon shouted and stand up and went to her room. Tracy put down her utensils and looked down.

Linda sighed and make the maids to get back to work. They can hear a loud bang from upstairs.

Taeyeon locked her door and go to her bed. She hugged her knee and cried. Taeyeon was getting memories from the past and cannot get it out from her mind. She sniffed and coughed until her phone rings.

She answer the phone without reading the name of the callers id.

"Hello?" Taeyeon answered in a way that she don't care.

Taeyeon was getting the information until her face is surprised and until she dropped her phone. She hurriedly get her coat and went to that area.

Tracy can hear that someone is walking downstairs in uneasy way, she turn head around and saw Taeyeon is panicking.

"Honey! Where are you going?!" Tracy asked and Taeyeon didn't answer her and go. "Honey! Its night already!" Tracy reminded her daughter as she can but Taeyeon didn't listen.

Taeyeon fetch a cab and hurriedly go to the hospital. She didnt care anyone right now, all she care is the life of special person in her life. Taeyeon remember what she said earlier... "Im leaving.."

She try her best not to cry until she reach the hospital. She got bumped with a person but she didn't care.

Taeyeon went inside and go to the help counter. "Where is she?!" Taeyeon asked and the nurse asked for her name.

"Where is she?!" This time Taeyeon's voice get higher than before. "You mean Mrs. Chin?" The nurse asked and Taeyeon hurriedly nodded.

"She is in the emergeny room..." The nurse pointed the emergency room and Taeyeon didn't think twice to go already.

Taeyeon walked and the nurse block her. "Where is Momcy!!!" Taeyeon asked the nurse and the nurse let her sit. Taeyeon didn't obey her, like what she promise... All she care is her life...

"Momcy Chin! They didn't want me to let me in!" Taeyeon said and the nurse keep blocking her.

"Yah! Let me go! Momcy Chin! Are you okay?!" Taeyeon asked and she keep walking forcely, she is now near from the door until the doctor comes out.

Taeyeon fix herself before she asked. "Is my Momcy Chin is now okay?, Is she feeling fine now?!, Did she just get a attack?!, Is she looking for me?!, Yah! Answer me!" Taeyeon asked and the doctor put his stethoscope in his neck and sighed.

"Are you relative with Mrs. Chin?" Doc Ferrer asked and Taeyeon nodded.

"Yes, i am!" Taeyeon lied and Doc Ferrer sighed so deep. Taeyeon looked at him so confused and her eyes gets teary.

"I am going to say this from the bottom of my heart... But... She didnt tell you that she already fight some stages of Lung Cancer and it is already in stage 4... And She didnt fight back to get in her life back again... I am really sorry for your loss.... She-"

"NO! MOMCY CHIN IS ALIVE! DONT MAKE ME COME IN TO THAT EMERGENCY ROOM AND IM THE ONE WHO MAKE HER COMEBACK TO LIFE AGAIN!!!" Taeyeon cut Doc Ferrer and tears are streaming down from her cheeks.

"From your current situation right now.. I let you see her first before we discard her..." Doc Ferrer said politely as he can. Taeyeon cried and slowly walks in.

Taeyeon saw that the heartbeat scanner is 0 and she saw Chin is not breathing and look so pale. Taeyeon's footsteps are now called babysteps since she is scared that Momcy really leaves her, just like that.

She reach to Momcy Chin and slowly reach for her hands. Taeyeon sits down and slowly hold Momcy Chin's hand so tight. She cannot express what she feels right now and just cry.

"Momcy... Chin... Why do you have to leave me?... I already gained some problem at home currently and you have to leave me?... That's unfair... I just already gained some memories from the past that i had shared with my father but... I didn't even have some time to tell it to you..." Taeyeon whispered so inaudible and sniffed.

"Momcy Chin... Yo-you have been t-the most im-important t-thing t-that i me-met... In my whole life... And.. Why didn't you tell me that you have a cancer?!" Taeyeon asked so mad and have to wipe her tears.

"Momcy... It is really a goodbye now?... Why do i have so many problems right now?!... Momcy.. I dont want you to leave me behind... Please fight and comeback to life... What if I didn't find the man that you had said to me? Momcy... I have to confirmed from you first before i have to say yes..."

"But... You just leave behind with no clue... I hate you Momcy... Momcy just remember... I thanked you for all and i will find my father and the man that you said to me that would be my destiny.. I love you that i hate you Momcy Chin..." Taeyeon said her goodbyes and hugged Momcy Chin.

Doc Ferrer comes in and other nurse to make Chin's move to morgue already. "Ma'am can we already transfer Mrs. Chin?" Doc Ferrer asked and Taeyeon sniffed and look back to Momcy Chin.

"Bye... Momcy chin..." Taeyeon whispered her last words and make the nurse get her. "Wait!" Taeyeon shouted and get the peice of paper from Momcy Chin's left hand and make the nurse continue what they doing.

"Once again... Were sorry..." Doc Ferrer said and Taeyeon nodded then they watch how they done.

*Back at Taeyeon's home*

Taeyeon comes back 11 in the evening and seems everyone is already asleep. She go to her room and cannot control her feelings anymore so she have a mental breakdown. Linda comes in to the room and give her some milk.

"Whatever your problem is... I am always here for you..." Linda said and Taeyeon didn't answer and she continued to cry. "S-she's.... Gone.." Taeyeon simply answered but it makes Linda hearts break too.

"Im speechless... Okay.. I let you through... Just don't forget this milk... It will help you to get some better sleeps..." Linda said before she leaves and Taeyeon looked at her milk.

She drink it and throw the glass to the wall and it brokes. Taeyeon lazily stands up and picked a sharp pieces. She sitted back to her study table area and squinted her eyes and looked at her left arm and smiled weakly.



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