Rⓐⓘⓝ 04

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"The man that i got bumped was AHJUSSI!" Taeyeon shouted and Linda was shocked too.

"The one you tell me last night?!" Linda asked and Taeyeon nodded.

"Ma'am, don't get surprise.. You should be-" Taeyeon put her index finger in Linda's mouth, the reason why she stop.

"Linda... The one thing is..." Taeyeon get something in her purse.

"I have his phone!" Taeyeon revealed the cellphone and Linda is now even more surprised.

"Why just you return it to him?" Linda suggest and Taeyeon disagreed.

"No... Until he fix the necklace that Momcy gave me..." Taeyeon reasoned.

"Did you really trust that Momcy that much?" Linda asked and Taeyeon rolled her eyes.

"How many times do i have to tell you Linda... Of course i trust Momcy Chin!" Taeyeon said and Linda nodded.

"Come on Linda..."

"Wait... Let me sing a last song" Linda said and Taeyeon wait for her.


"Bro, can you gps my phone?" Baekhyun asked suddenly and Mike obeyed him.

"Okay..." Mike was waiting and Baekhyun just wait for him patiently. Mike was surprised when the gps activate and the phone of Baekhyun was in the other room.

Mike was so surprised because why Baekhyun's phone is in the other room where the girl is that who bumped at Baekhyun. Mike chuckled and Baekhyun remained confused.

"Bro..." Mike said then point in the other room.

"Why?" Mike still point that room.

"I detected yoir phone and it is in that room!" Mike report and Baekhyun was now so confused.

"Why my phone is there?" Baekhyun whispered and he remembers the scene last night.

"Right! She is the girl from that night! Her name was... Um... Kim? Taeyong? Taehyung? Taeyang? Taeyeon?... Aish..." Baekhyun cursed under his breath.

"Come on! Better she bring back my phone!" Baekhyun said before he go outside.


"Linda! Don't finished the song! Come on! We need to survive from that beast!" Taeyeon said and Linda has no choice so she obeyed Taeyeon.

Taeyeon slowly opened the door and the atmosphere in the outside was silent. She noticed that the door where Baekhyun is, slowly opening. Taeyeon didn't think twice she ran with Linda.

"Come on! Linda!!" Taeyeon shouted and Linda runned first.

Baekhyun saw that the girl is running already. "Is my phone still in her?" Baekhyun asked and Mike checked and its confirmed. Baekhyun didn't even think twice, he runned after Mike confrims it. Mike just chuckled and instead of running, he just walked.

Baekhyun run and following Taeyeon. "Linda, make sure the car is ready!" Linda nodded and she call someone on the phone.

The crowd is now looking at them and Taeyeon is surely embarrassed. "Yah!" Baekhyun shouted and Linda arrived at the elevator and Taeyeon was about to enter but the elevator closed. Taeyeon just stand there and when she turned around, Baekhyun is smirking.

"Ah-ahjussi? Do i know you?" Taeyeon asked nervously and she keep pushing the open button. Baekhyun walked closely and Taeyeon closed her eyes. When she open her eyes, Baekhyun is now near her.

"Give me my phone..." Baekhyun asked and Taeyeon just look at him. 'Taeyeon don't listen, think about the necklace!'

"I said give back my phone!" This time Baekhyun's voice raised up, snapping Taeyeon from her thoughts.

Taeyeon looked around and someone is watching them. "Okay! Ahjussi... Can you please step a little backwards?" Taeyeon asked politely but Baekhyun obeyed.

Taeyeon suddenly kick Baekhyun's leg and the elevator opened and Taeyeon didn't come inside because she know that the elevetor would come back again from this floor. She runned to the stairs while Baekyun was still winces in pain. Taeyeon hurriedly runned and she go at the parking lot and their car was not there.

"Right.... I just walked to Momcy Chin!" Taeyeon said and Baekhyun was spying Taeyeon.

"Good luck, ahjumma!" Baekhyun warned and follow her.

Right. Authornim didn't update these days because authornims cellphone battery is broken.😭😭How sad my life is? 😂

Anyways, thanks for the support and i hope you understand my current situation right now. 😂 love lots!

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