Epilogue : 아녕 👋

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"Yah! Tell me!" Baekhyun catch up with Taeyeon and she runned and Baekhyun shook his head and still follow her.

"Yah! Wait for me!" Baekhyun get some fresh air and proceed to follow her.

"Yah! I said-"

"Yah! Why are you following me?! You didn't care about me and care about yourself! Don't follow me!" Taeyeon angrily said and they are now at the park.

"Yah! Why so angry ahjumma!!" Baekhyun still follows her until she give up and face him.

"I said stop!" Taeyeon raise her voice and Baekhyun stop.

Taeyeon rolled her eyes and her eyes are getting watery. Baekhyun is now getting worried and scan her if she will cry.

"I don't know why are you like this! But let me..." Taeyeon sniff and try to continue her words. "Let me... Forget you!"

"And there is never ever situation that i can accept your love for me..."

Baekhyun get a back by what she just say and he start to stutter. Taeyeon smiled bitterly and shook her head.

"Yah! Are you saying right now that-"

"YES! YES! Y-yes... And i can't accept it since i grow my feelings into the wrong man... Like you.." Taeyeon's tears are falling and the cold wind of autumn pass them.

"Momcy lied at me! Why would she want to me to be with you?!" Taeyeon said as he pointing at Baekhyun.

The park is not crowded today only few of peoples can be seen and only the good view can be find.

"W-what no!" Baekhyun answered making Taeyeon stop and she shook her head repeatedly.

"Believe me!" Baekhyun said and wait for Taeyeon to respond.

"W-were... Siblings..." Taeyeon get hurt by what she said.

"Im sorry if i made that mistake... For responding your kiss.... Its all my fault... Im sorry if-"

"LOOK! You are not right and all of what you saying is wrong! You didn't make any mistake!" Baekhyun stop and Taeyeon look at the river.

"Im the one who make the mistake, making you fall in love at first and stupidly kissing you at that day!" Baekhyun stop again and Taeyeon look at him with a hurt look.

"So are you saying... Were totally  siblings?" Taeyeon asked calmly since she dont want to hurt herself more.

Baekhyun seems he take too long answer her question and Taeyeon shook her head and cried more.

She turn around and walk slowly, because this day is the worst worst day for her. :(

Taeyeon looked down as she walks and crying, tears are falling at each others cheek.

Taeyeon squint her eyes and shook her head.

'I wish i shouldn't have met you.. Momcy is such a liar... I think he is not the one who Momcy said to me... I made a mistake too to trust her... Im so stupid...'

'I can't believe i love the wrong man... I should have not expect about it...'


Taeyeon get stop by some of her thoughts when she feel some warm from her back and she want it as long as she want.

Taeyeon feel the vibe of it and found out that Baekhyun is back hugging her. She want to let go his arm around her but Baekhyun make it more tight.

"No.... Don't do this...." Taeyeon whispered and cried more. Baekhyun lean his head in her shoulders making Taeyeon feel so confuse at her feelings.

"Stop this..." Taeyeon begged and Baekhyun won't budge then she sigh.

"Taengoo~" He sweetly called and Taeyeon bowed her head and Baekhyun move her body to make them both look at the river.

"Love is like this river, it is flowing until it reach its dead end... Like our love.... It maybe not going to happen but..."

Taeyeon just listen and get hurt by what he said. Taeyeon sigh and wait for Baekhyun.

"I think you didn't know what is the true meaning of our relationship is...."

Baekhyun's words that made Taeyeon raised her eyebrows. Baekhyun look at the river and smiled warmly.

They have been stayed for some minutes by Baekhyun back hugging her.

"Were not siblings Taengoo... Appa told me that when he met your mother she is already pregnant and he promise your mother he will love you even though he is not the real father and he promise also that your surname will be your true father because he know he (true father) loves you too...."

"Appa did that because he was in arrange marriage with my mother Margo... Thats why he left and promise on you..."

"Thats why were not a siblings... So... Ms. Kim is there still a chance for me even though you just said that whatever is the situation you cannot accept my love..."

"Will you still give me a chance to love and take care my one and only Taengoo?"

Baekhyun asked and still back hugging her tightly.

Taeyeon seems cannot stop from smiling and have a happy feeling. She smiled widely and cannot show it to him due to happiness and embarrassment.

Baekhyun make his arm go up to make Taeyeon come back to reality since she didn't answer her.

Jay and Tracy are now watching them sweetly and patiently waiting for them.

"Yah! Why Ms. Kim don't want to answer me... Im so sad..." Baekhyun lean his head again in her shoulder and he can hear her that she chuckled.

Baekhyun shake his body with her.

"Is my Ms. Kim answering me now?" Baekhyun tease and Taeyeon smiled.

Taeyeon slowly turn around and she put her hands around Baekhyun's neck and look deeply in his eyes.

"Im sorry if im being too dramatic earlier... Yes... I can be your love and-"

Taeyeon get cut when Baekhyun carry her happily and Taeyeon get embarrass when she saw Jay and Tracy is there.

"Yah! Put me down!" Taeyeon said and Baekhyun put her down quickly.

When the moment Baekhyun put her down, he quickly kiss her and Taeyeon get surprise too but she respectly receive it.

While the cold wind pass them, they gently kiss each other. Feeling the true love and the situation that must be forget.

Baekhyun close his eyes and Taeyeon too.

Baekhyun let go and Taeyeon smiled.

"I love you Ahjumma~"

Taeyeon give him a quick kiss and smiled.

"I love you too Ahjussi~"

"That was my expected of this two lovers, i know the love cannot be judge every each others face but their personality... Even though the one is with a bad heart and the other one is with a childish heart.."

"The lesson is believe in yourself and don't give up whenever there is a chance.. Don't ever judge yourself into someone because who knows that will be your love until your last breath?"

"Lets make this two an example of a love that cannot be judge quickly... Believing in mind is somewhat true too but take time to listen at your heart too because sometimes it can make some good lesson to you..."

"Im here to say goodbye's at this story... This have been the story what i called Rain and I'm Momcy Chin and this is the story of a Cold and Childish heart love story"


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