Rⓐⓘⓝ 08

498 23 1

Baekhyun get off his car and the maids hurriedly great him and Baekhyun enters.
"Son, why are you not home again last night?" Mr. Byun asked and put down his wine and Baekhyun scoffed.

"Do you even care now?" Baekhyun asked back and proceed to his room. Mrs. Byun shook her head and patted Mr. Byun's shoulder.

"Its okay... That is his actions as always, right?" Mrs. Byun reminded and her husband ignore her and drink his wine.


Baekhyun throw his jacket on his bed and lay down lazily. He wiped his eyes then he received a phone call. And it is unknown, he raised his eyebrows and answered it.

'Hello?!' - Taeyeon

Baekhyun shook his head and click his tongue.

'Yah! Answer me in a normal way! Are you crazy?!' - Baekhyun

'Oh.. Mianhae.. So ahjussi..' - Taeyeon

By what Taeyeon called him, he already knows who is calling.

'Ahjumma, the deal is now done right?' - Baekhyun

'But.. Ahjussi...' - Taeyeon

Taeyeon bit her finger and wait for Baekhyun to answer.

'It broke?' - Baekhyun

Taeyeon nodded even Baekhyun didn't saw it. Baekhyun sighed through the line.

'Anyway.. How did you get my number?' - Baekhyun

'I have some time to open your phone then i get your number...' - Taeyeon

'But my phone have a password.. How do you manage to get it open?' - Baekhyun

Taeyeon paused a bit and she got a little harder to bit her finger and she shout quietly with pain.

'You are a stalker maybe?!' - Baekhyun

'No! Ahjussi! Its like this!' - Taeyeon


"Huh? He left?" I said and continue to eat my ramen. I saw that the phone of Baekhyun is beside in my left hand.

"Ahjussi left his phone.." I whispered and i take it and i was about to leave, buy the counter called me.

"Ma'am, the guy from earlier said you're the one who is going to pay the noodles that he buy.. So thats why i called you..."

'Aish... That ahjussi!'

I chuckled nervously and check my pocket if i still have any money and what a luck that i still have.

"Here..." I handed the money and he shook his head and i insisted to get the change and give it as a tip instead.

When i got out from the conveneince store, i bit my lip because i don't know that ahjussi will have that kind of pranks.

While i was walking and the rain gets slow. I remember the phone of Ahjussi is with me. I press the power button beside and it shows a pin password.

I furrowed my eyebrows and i try any numbers that only have limit of 4. I try 1234 first, since someone can be clever sometimes. Then its not working.

I try and try and try and try... But it still don't working until i gave up and accidentally throw it on a hard tree. I mentally slapped myself and i slowly walked to picked up the phone.

I picked it up and it is ... Fine!.. But when i press the power button it didn't start anymore. I panicked at first then i close my eyes and open it afterwards. I thought that i saw in the movies will happened but.. No.

I am now panicking so hard since i broke it. I quickly ran home and i didn't greet everybody in the house and proceed to my room. I wiped it first with a napkin then i try to connect my charger in it.

Since i thought it got low battery. But still doesn't working. I slapped my forehead and don't know what to do. About some minutes, a bright light suddenly popped out in my mind.

And it is about... To get rest first. Yes.. Im so tired and i feel that my soul already left my body. I lay down lazily on my bed and get some rest.


When i woke up... I didn't feel any kinds of pain. I immediately sitted up and touch my forehead and neck. It not feel hot.

"Crazy.." I simply said then i remember the phone. I bit my lip and squinted my eyes in worried way.

I get up then i saw it... Still the same though... I lazily sat down and played with his phone. I accidentally press the home button then it turned on.

"Eh?.. What?" I asked myself and it still have some pin number. I planned to sneak out since its still 5 in the morning.

I immediately go out and go to the nearest re-pair shops. I give Baekhyun's phone.

"What's wrong with this? Because i cannot see what is the problem here..." The repair man said and i swallowed up my saliva. I dont know what to answer.

"Umm.. It my friends phone.. Then.. He cannot opened it since he forget his.. Password.." I lied and he just nodded at me and i slightly feel relief.

I don't know why.. But why i am trying to open his phone? Im not kind of interested to him though ... I just shrugged my shoulder. When i look at him, he fix it already.

"Already done?" I asked and he chuckled and i got very confused. "The 4 digit password is only.. 0000" He explained and i was so surprised and pay him though.

I was so stupid to not to try that digit first.

=End of Flashback=

'Yah! Why you didn't tell me that you didn't pay the noodles?!' - Taeyeon

I can hear him that he just laughed through the phone.

'Oh.. Im sorry stranger... Its not my fault... You must thank me also, since i make you eat that noodles... And like what i said that night... It will be our last but we met yesterday..' - Baekhyun

'Oh! I forgot also... Don't ever do that again or i call the police!' - Baekhyun

I suddenly get mad at him.

'Yah! But it is-'

I was shocked that he ended the call and i throw my phone on the bed and i frowned.

"Yes... Like what i said too... It wasn't nice to meet you too.. But.. Somethings going on..." I said and cover my face with my favorite Baymax pillow.


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