Chapter 131 - Cupcakes and Hair Dye

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Hey everyone, sorry for the sudden change in the layout, but I just feel like this looks a little more professional...

I know this hasn't been updated in a while, but this chapter kind of got lost for a bit, and I've been struggling a lot in my personal life as of late, so sorry if this chapter and the next are of lower quality... I've just not been myself recently.

To kind of make up for this fact, there will be two chapters coming out tonight, YAY!

Also, sorry if my Australian comes out a little bit in the dialogue, I can't help it!

Joey's POV

   I was so proud of Tyler for partly rekindle his relationship with Troye. It had only been a few days since their phone call but Tyler seemed like a new man. He would leave his room for more than just food and water and actually came out with us the other night.

   "Hey Shane, do you think they'll be okay?" I looked up to Shane from laying on his chest.   

   "Yeah, I don't think they'll let the other one go that easily." Shane just chuckled and turned his attention back to the Tv. I sighed, not really interested in the show, and grabbed my phone from behind my legs. I went through my twitter feed and Instagram before I received a message.


Hey Joey

   The text caught me off guard. I honestly never expected to hear from Daniel again.

Hey, what's up?


Nothing much, just laying around. You?

   It was a little while later when Shane actually noticed that I was texting someone he didn't know. "Who's Daniel?" He asked without suspicion in his voice.

   "He's that guy I met at the audition. You remember that, right?"

   "Yes, I remember very well. I remember yelling at him over text." I just laughed.

   "You're so silly." I poked him in the nose and smiled up at him. Shane just snorted and smirked before flipping through the different channels. I looked at the time and noticed that it was only noon. Sure, I loved spending time with Shane, but was so bored! "Hey Shaney, I'm going to head out, okay?"

   "Cool, do you want me to come with?" He asked as I stood up and slid my phone into my back pocket.

   "Nah, I'm just getting something from the store, I'll be back soon." I ran upstairs and slipped some shoes on before I grabbed my keys and wallet. I said goodbye to Shane and closed the door behind me. I took in a deep breath and stretched. Staying in the same place for a few hours can really stiffen you up! I got in the car and drove around for a short time until I came to a store. With a shrug, I turned and parked the car. I sighed as I stepped into the pleasantly air-conditioned store. Crap, I didn't check if we needed anything! I groaned at myself and walked through past the trolleys, grabbing a basket on my way. I quickly made my way to the isle with all of the cookies and cakes. I read through so many titles but one caught my eye more than any other. "'Salted Caramel and Chocolate Cupcake'? Shane would love these!" I let out a small chuckle and grabbed a box. I looked at the other options, but there wasn't anything else that sounded nice enough to buy. With a shrug, I walked through the other aisles. I wandered into a part of the store where they had hair dye. I'd been thinking about dying my hair for a few months now, but I wasn't sure of it. I searched the colours, looking for something that might suit me. 'No, no... Ew, no!'

   "Ohh, what's that?" I reached behind a bright, lemon yellow hair dye pack and grabbed a silvery-blue kind of colour. There weren't any other colours like it left on the racks. Someone must've tried to hide it. Well, it's mine now!

   I was thinking about where else to go, but there was nothing I could think of. I had something for Shane and something potentially life-changing for myself. Seems like money well spent to me! I started to wander towards the front of the store but decided to take a detour through the freezer section. Do we need milk? I asked myself as I gazed at the top shelf. Suddenly two warm hands clasped over my eyes, startling me.

   "Guess who-" The person behind me was cut off by my elbow slamming into their side. They dropped to their knees and groaned in pain.

   "What kind of crap are you trying to pull?" I growled as I turned around. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw Daniel clutching at his left side.

   "Man, you have a solid hit." He said breathlessly.

   "Daniel? What the hell! Don't do that!" I laughed as I helped him up.

   "Yeah, that'll teach me!" He scratched the back of his neck and chuckled. Once he could walk without limping we went around looking for items on his shopping list. A short while later he winced as his basket whacked against his side. Daniel lifted up his shirt a bit and looked at where I'd hit him. A large purple bruise tainted his tanned skin. I couldn't help but admire how well built he was. "Damn Joey, you got me good!" He chuckled and massaged the tender skin, hissing in pain. I ripped my eyes from his body to check the time. Crap, I've been gone for twenty-five minutes!

   "Hey Daniel, I'm sorry to run off so quickly, but I have to get back to my husband, I've been go-"

   "Husband?" He looked shocked. My stomach flipped. There was no way he was homophobic, the world can't do this to me! "Cool," he smiled at me and I thanked my lucky stars. I thanked Daniel for his time, paid for my items and left. I walked over to my car and drove home.

   I slid my keys into the lock and thought about what else we might've needed from the shops before I opened the door. I looked from my hands for one second to see Shane walking to the lounge with about three twinkies in his hands and one in his mouth.

   "I was gone for like, thirty minutes."

   "Yeah, and it took me twenty minutes to get bored." He spoke through the sponge cake.

   "Okay then," Was all I could say.

   "So, what did you get?" He asked as I followed him into the lounge.

   "Oh, I'm glad you asked! I got these for you." I pulled out the cupcakes and had them immediately snatched from my hands.

   "Holy shit babe! You're the best!" He yelled and kissed me on the cheek. I just chuckled.

   "No problem Shaney. And I also got this..." I grabbed the hair dye from the plastic bag and showed it to him.

   "You want to dye your hair? Since when?" Shane studied the box with care.

   "I don't know, I've just been thinking about it for a while, but I wasn't sure.

   "Well, if you want to do it then go ahead! I mean, I didn't even tell you about my hair-cute, so..."

   I let out a small snort. "Hair-cute?"

   "Yeah, it made my hair look fucking fabulous; hair-cute."

   I was sitting on our bed when Shane came in with the box of cupcakes held close to his chest. "Joey, can we make these now?" He asked. I looked outside and noticed that it was just starting to grow dark.

   "Sure," I chuckled and set my phone down on the bed. "Should we grab Tyler?"

   "Yeah, I'll get him down, you start to get everything set up!" Shane sprinted out of the room and I just laughed. When everything was ready we started baking the cupcakes! We didn't film a video, though that was suggested. We just wanted to have a moment where it was just the three of us. I think we're finally getting our old, happy-go-lucky Tyler back. After cooking the cupcakes we sat down and watched whatever came on the TV. I decided to keep my encounter with Daniel secret from Shane but that didn't change how damn delicious these cupcakes turned out. What an amazing way to end such an eventful day.


Chapter was written by Roast_Potato_Queenie 

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