Short Notice

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Saerah's P.O.V.

I returned with Lard's mail and handed it to him. He jumped up and down with excitement. He was so happy he paid no attention to my peculiar message from an official from Orgrimmar.

I peeled off the seal carefully and stuck it in my journal. I hadn't made an entree in about two weeks, and I didn't expect to see another one of those anytime soon. It would make a nice addition to my journal of adventures.

Lard kept the place rather dark. I guess it's because most visitors who come here are weary travelers seeking a safe place to sleep. It's not that lard was tough, but that he was so large he looked it. The light seeping through the curtain covered door hole wasn't enough to read the letter.

I stepped back out. That's all today was, in the inn, out of the inn. I decided to mix it up and headed for the dock. My hooves made quite the racket as they clicked on the wood. A fisherman looked at me angrily, in fear if scare away his dinner.

I dangled my legs off the edge. The saltwater sent a refreshing feel through me. I swayed them back and forth until I felt comfortable, the starred at the unseals envelope. I had to read it sooner or later.

"Saerah the mighty," oh, wow, "I have heard from a trustworthy source that you are a powerful hunter. He claimed you may just be the best in all Azeroth. I want you to become a major part in the Horde war machine. You will be among my right hand men as we fight the blasted humans and the alliance. Don't worry about transportation, I have sent a ship to pick you up. It will be there shortly.
Warm regards,
Warchief Garrosh Hellscream."

Warm regards? You have got to be kidding me! Has the Warchief lost his iron fist? The ship shouldn't arrive for another day, I'll be long gone, settled in the Undercity by then. I was not a fan of the forsaken, but their city is extremely easy to navigate around. I just had to lay low until he loses his patients. Great!

I heard the loud noise of engines, and the unmistakable squeaky voice of goblins. I looked up and to my horror there was a ship, an airship. Garrosh wasn't loosing it, he had just used some clever wordplay.

The village folk ran and screamed, terrified about what was going on. My "transportation" had nearly knocked out one of their watchtowers. If I'm not mistaken, it was the tower containing their leader.

Heavily armed Orcs, maybe about ten, squirmed down ropes to the shore. One of them was familiar. "You!" I yelled, he was halfway down the rope, "You are the one who's been following me!"

"As clever as you are skilled? perhaps I have found a two in one deal! I am General Grosh Goraff, yes, I've been studying you. You fight like no other. Alliance camps lie in ruins because of you. The Warchief is pleased, he wants you to be among his right hand men and-"

"Remember to breath, General. I already know. I got a short notice letter that you were coming just minutes ago."

He abruptly snatched the paper from my hand and read it, mouthing each word. I could almost hear him read the letter in his mind he smirked and said "there's more too it, Saerah. You are wanted on the next airship to Pandaria!"

"What's in it for me?" I asked, already bored. He placed a hand on my arm, I elbowed it off. he tried hard to hide it, but I could tell his hand was in great pain.

"Everything," he reasoned, "as I said, I've been studying you. I know what you desire most of all, you want action, challenge, honor, but are too modest to take credit for it. Pandaria has these things. We need you because weaker men, some of our best, are dying out there! how could you pass up on this?"

This could just be the smartest thing I have ever heard anyone say. Though a lousy general, he was no loudy judge of character. "You know what General? I like the way you think! I will go to Orgrimmar with you for Hellscream's orders and go on yet another adventure."

The Orcs cheered, and the general held his hand out. I shook it confidently. This was going to be fun after all.

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