Facing Reality

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A darker part if me wanted to wipe the that righteous grin of the king's face, but a muffled cry helped me break through the sha's grasp.


I knew that grin, it was Anduin's. A brave, ambitious expression, worn by a being that wished to tear me limb from limb.

"It is not your father, child, it is merely an image of him." Sunwalker Dezco tried to comfort. He places his large hand on Anduin's shoulder, "Hate is blind, young prince. We can only see the world in blue or red until we overcome it, then we may see things for their true colors."

"A wise Tauren you are." commented Xuen, "Let us see how Sarah overcomes hers..."

I felt bare, stripped to nothing. I was fighting a battle outside and in, yet they sat there, like spectators in an arena.

"I can't fight him." I mumbled.

"Then you have let hatred get the best of you."

"Wouldn't fighting him let it?" I argued, dodging a swing of his blade.

"If you refuse to fight your anger, it will control your every move." Xuen explained as I danced around the room, ducking and jumping, running from the fight. "As it is now."


"I have heard much of your strength, Sarah, believe in yourself."

I swallowed hard and turned to Anduin, I'm hopes he could come up with another solution.

"Do it." he mouthed.

I cringed as the translucent blade struck my side. Valurine drew her sword, but Dezco gave her a glare powerful enough to stop her dread in her tracks.

This was my fight.

Anduin had taken a seat, still somewhat dazed. His blue eyes followed our every move. I'd give the world to know what he was thinking.

The room filled with a purple glow as my bow lit up with arcane energy. My shot was horribly off, barely scraping his left arm. How am I supposed to win this? If I give up, the celestials will not allow us, along with fleeing Pandaren, into the vale. If I win I risk scaring Anduin.

"You masquerade as someone who you are not, child, and believe the sha can not see past it. They can. It is what is on the inside that matters." Xuen's voice filled my thoughts.

Saerah didn't back down from fights. I let out a roar of frustration and charged at the being, kicking it, whacking it with my bow. I continued this tantrum until I knew victory was mine. Varian was dead.

I let out a brief chuckle before turning back to my friends, who were paralyzed in horror. I took a few deep breaths and wiped the blood dripping from my cheek. Was I struck? I didn't even notice. In fact, after hearing Xuen, the battle was a blur.

The only thing I knew for sure is Anduin wouldn't be healing this one...

"Hatred was nearly your downfall. For a moment, you lost complete control over yourself, letting it get the best of you. That is ok, though. To overcome our hatred we must embrace it, find it's roots, and pull it out of our hearts. I'm very impressed with you, hunter." A warm smile spread across the celestial tiger's face.

Taran Zhu looked to me and let out a long, drawn out sigh. "I am quite impressed myself... Leave Xuen and I to speak on the matter, we have much to discuss." He stroked his chin thoughtfully, then turned to Xuen, as if we weren't there.

Anduin put a hand on my shoulder, he was about to say something until the deep sound of Sunwalker Dezco's voice cut in.

"Sarah, a word?"

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