Chapter 9: Love at first sight?

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Chapter 9: Love at first sight?

*The Next Day~  5:32 pm to be exact*

I feel like I'm paranoid!


Who is that guy?

I didn't sleep properly last night, thinking who the hell is that guy..

I shook my head. "I'll just forget it, it's just causing me stress." I sighed, brushing that thought off my mind.

I was alone in the house because Mom attended the urgent meeting at the company and Uncle Robert was scheduled to do a surgery for his patient today while Alaine was at her friend's house.

I was a little bored in the house so, I did some household chores.






*8:22 pm*

Phew! Finally, I finished doing all the household chores and I decided to treat myself for some ice cream.

I went outside the house as I glanced to my neighbor's house - which is Suho and his friend's house, nobody was there. I guess they're still in the hospital. Hm..


I finally reached my destination,  the ice cream parlor. I enter the glass door, the soft bells hanging ftom the door of the entrance jingled and I was amazed of all the mouth-watering flavors of the ice cream I saw.

The clerk smiled at me and greeted me. "Hello ma'am. Welcome to 'Fantastique Ice cream Parlor.' Can get your order?"

                      "Ah, I'll have one stawberry ice cream please!" I yelled out of excitement.

The facilities here are nice and neat, even the clerks and their service are good too. I already received my ice cream and went out of the ice cream parlor. Then I went straight near the Eiffel Tower.

There were quite alot of people when I got near the Eiffel tower and I think some of them were tourists. I saw an elegant lady carrying her pet- poodle who was sitting on a bench.  I sat beside her but there was distance between us.

As I roamed my eyes everywhere, I saw a couple kissing in public? What the fuck are they doing? I was so shocked that I immediately closed my eyes tightly.

                        I heard the elegant old lady chuckled. "What's wrong, kid? Haven't seen kissing before?"

                        I nodded shyly.

                        She chuckled again. "Oh dear, you're so adorable. I bet you haven't kiss anyone yet, have you?"

                       I nodded shyly again.

                       She smiled. "Don't worry dear, someday you'll experiencing those things once you find your one true love. Believe in Destiny, Ok? Remember that?"

                       I nodded again. "Ok. Thank you.."

                       She smiled again and said. "Well, I better go home now. Take care Ok?" She waved her hand elegantly. "Remember what I told you, dear. You never know, you might meet him tonight."

                       I smiled, nodded again and waved my hand goodbye.

  After the elegant old lady left, I sat alone in the bench, eating my ice cream. Suddenly, a honey-brown haired guy sat beside me(but there is distance between us).

I looked at the guy who sat next near me, aand Oh sweet potatoes! He's very good-looking. He has kissable pink lips, flawless white skin and a pair of sparkly eyes. Something inside of me, beats so fast.. Is it my heart? I also felt everything was in slow-mo.

I was staring at his face and I think he doesn't know I was staring at him when suddenly he faced towards me.

     "Miss!.." He pointed his finger to the melted ice cream flowing in my hand.

     "Oh great! " I cursed myself. I looked for my handkerchief in my pocket, but it wasn't there. Oh, this is embarassing! The guy came near me and handed me his cute blue hanky.

      "Here, miss. Take this.. looks like you need it!" He said smiling politely.

      "Ah-ah thanks." I kindly get the hanky from his hand and I felt how soft his hand was even with a slightest touch. Oh!

After I finished wiping the ice cream off my hands using his hanky..

      "Ah, sir-"

      He cutted off my sentence and said "You can keep it, we never know.. we might don't meet again.."

      "Ah, yeah..." I said sounding dissapointed.

       He patted my head gently "Keep it okay?  .. and if we meet again.. you can give it back to me, okay?" He smiled a little.

      "O-okay.." I said shyly.

      "Okay, I must go.. Its getting dark already." He smiled then left.

My heart was beating extremely fast and when he left some part of me felt broken?.. I know this is happening suddenly, but I think I'm in love.. I think I'm attracted to a guy whom I didn't meet before.. Is this really possible??..

Eiffel In Love In Paris..[An EXO and Luhan Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now