dean winchester || first textual experience pt. 1

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disclaimer: the texts aren't mine, they're based off of some "spooky" chat that was circulating a few years ago zz

ME: david
DAVID: hey what's up?
ME: i think i heard footsteps on the gravel outside
DAVID: get your crazy dad to check it out
ME: i'm home alone! my family is out of town, remember?
DAVID: really? we should hang out
ME: it sounds like footsteps. do you think i should look out the window?
DAVID: what if there really is someone there in your garden, looking up at you?
ME: not funny, david.
DAVID: wow, chill... i'm sure it's nothing
ME: gonna check, brb
ME: there's someone in the garden
DAVID: wait, really?
ME: YES. it looks like a man
DAVID: what's he doing?
ME: he's looking for something i think? he's on his hands and knees in the bushes
DAVID: haha, he must be high. probably looking for his drugs
ME: david this is serious what do i do???
DAVID: nothing? he'll probably go away by himself
ME: now he's digging with his bare hands wtf
ME: he's turning around
DAVID: what does he look like? 
DAVID: ???
DAVID: what are you talking about?
ME: i can see you in the garden! look, i'm by the window. can you hear me banging on it?
DAVID: annie, now you're scaring me... i'm not in your garden. that's not me
ME: lol screw off, i can see your face, and you're wearing that stupid football jacket you're so proud of
DAVID: it must be someone who looks like me, honestly. i'm at home
ME: it has to be one of your friends playing a stupid prank, how else would they have your jacket?
DAVID: there're tons of jackets like that and none of my friends look like me... you just have me on your mind ;)
ME: he's digging again
DAVID: annie, do you have a gun in your house?
ME: i couldn't shoot anyone
DAVID: you don't have to. just show that you're carrying it
ME: doesn't that jacket have your name on the back?
DAVID: yeah, everyone on the team got one with their name
ME: david, i can see your name.
ME: wtf david
DAVID: annie that jacket's hanging in my closet
ME: ew he saw me
ME: why tf is he smiling like that
DAVID: call the cops right now
DAVID: annie?
DAVID: annie pick up the phone
DAVID: i called the cops. told them there's a break-in attempt at your place. they said they're on their way but it'll take about half an hour.
DAVID: annie, are you there?
ME: it's in the house. i'm in a closet with a knife. idk what to do
DAVID: hang in there. the police will be there in 20 minutes. do you know where he is?
ME: it's not a he. no person could look like that
DAVID: jfc, does it know where you are?
ME: i don't think, i grabbed the knife when i saw it running toward the house. i got in the closet when i heard it breaking in
DAVID: you should be fine... a druggie doesn't have the brains to find someone hiding in the closet, and the police will be there soon
ME: it's saying my name
ME: it doesn't sound like you. the voice is too deep
ME: it keeps telling me to come out and that it wants to look at me
DAVID: 10 more minutes until the police get there don't worry 
ME: it's coming up the stairs
ME: why did it look so much like you
DAVID: idk!
ME: can you make it stop?
ME: make it stop
ME: make it stop! 
DAVID: i would if I could, i promise you
ME: it's at the end of the hall
ME: i didn't say anything to my parents when they left, i was just listening to music. what if that's the last time i'll see them?
DAVID: annie...
DAVID: annie?
DAVID: annie?!


     You frown at the computer screen. "Dean, I think I found something."

     You and the Winchesters are digging around a girl named Annie Shepherd's house, searching for traces of sulfur or anything else that could point to paranormal activity. 

     Annie had been found mutilated in her bedroom two days ago. 

     You were currently leaning over her desk, scrolling through her computer in search for any clues to anything weird that might have happened before she died. Then, you stumbled upon her chat history.

     Dean walks over and bends over the desk. You watch as he squints his eyes and scrolls through the chat history. You try not to focus on the fact that your arms are touching.

     Dean cranes his neck to look at his brother. "Sammy, come see this," he calls. To you, he adds, "Yeah, there's definitely something weird going on here."

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