dean winchester || "i volunteer"

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"(Y/N) (L/N)."

You blink a few times, trying to process what you just heard. Because it can't be true. It's not true, right? Really, what are the odds of you being reaped out of your whole District?

The Capitol goon with bright blue hair sweeps his artificially yellow eyes across the crowd before saying your name again. You glance at the other side of the Square, trying to catch Dean's eye, if not for the last time. You succeed, and his bright green eyes burn into yours. His devastated face is even more heartbreaking for you and you're so glad that your family isn't here anymore. You don't want them to have to deal with this.

You begin to push through the crowd and they immediately separate, a typical biblical scene. They all shoot you sympathetic glances, but you ignore them. You trudge up the stage and the man from the Capitol shakes your hand, offers you congratulations, and moves on to the next bowl. He twirls his hand around for special effect, his painted fingers dancing around and barely grazing multiple envelopes until he finally settles on one. He slowly brings it out of the glass bowl and opens it at the same speed.

"Samuel Winchester."

Before anyone can even comprehend what has happened, a gruff voice yells, "I volunteer!" Everyone's gaze diverts from the younger Winchester to the older one, and their parents, Mary and John gasp. Mary immediately tries to run forward, but John keeps her restrained and whispers in her ear. The woman calms down, for lack of better term, and folds into her husband's chest, her body wracking with sobs.

You focus your attention back on Dean, who you hope wasn't serious. But he walks proudly up to the stage all the same and stands next to you. You glance up at him, desperately trying to make eye contact, but it doesn't matter. He has his cold gaze focused straight ahead and you're not sure what he's seeing, but you know that there's no way that he'll talk to you right now. You lean closer to him to block your hands from the view of the cameras and then you lace your fingers in his. Dean squeezes yours tightly and you feel the smallest bit better. At least you'll have him until the end.

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