dean winchester || time after time PART ONE

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|| not edited

You look outside the window from the backseat of the Impala and take in your surroundings. You're on a fairly quiet street in a neighborhood in Chicago. The sky is an inky black, but you can barely see that behind the dark gray clouds that fill it. You hear the occasional rumble of thunder join the chirp of the crickets outside. If you were a normal person, you'd think this to be a beautiful summer night. But instead, you think it a night where you get to add something to the long list of things you've killed.

"So what exactly is this thing?" Dean asks from his seat behind the wheel. "Some sort of vampire who got too sucky?" He's talking about the monster you're hunting. There've been reports of humans who left their house at age 21 and their bodies were found that night at age 300. There've been scattered reports of these deaths over the centuries, and they always come in threes. Tonight, you and the Winchesters are counting on the third murder attempt taking place so that you can gank the thing.

Sam shakes his head. "No. Coroner's report said there was blood in both bodies. 300-year-old blood, but blood."

"So if it's not Count Chocula, than what is it?" you ask. Sam shrugs. You want to ask him more, but a man in a crisp white shirt, red tie, long black overcoat, and a fedora walks out of the house you're staked out at. He begins to make his way down the front porch steps. You open your mouth to say something, but Dean beats you to the punch.

"Guys, it's Justin Timberlake," he says, using the nickname you three had given the man. Sam looks up and his eyes settle on the man. You three watch as JT walks down the alley next to his house, hands in his pockets. "All right, let's do this," Dean says, unbuckling his seatbelt and looking from you to Sam. "Let's move fast." He cocks his gun.

"Um, Dean?" you ask, prepping your own firearm. "Is there a plan?"

He pops his head into the backseat and flashes a charming Winchester smile. "Don't die. I'd miss ya." Then he winks and climbs out the car. You and Sam follow suit and you smile and shake your head at his relentless flirting. The two of you do it a lot, but it's just for fun. You don't think you'd ever get anywhere with it. You all close your car doors quietly and sneak down the sidewalk, turning the corner that JT did. You quickly catch up to him and your trio stops when you're about ten yards away from him.

"He's headin' downtown," observes Dean in a hushed voice. He looks at the landscape before you, no doubt formulating a plan in his mind. Your suspicions are proven correct when he says, "All right, Sam, you take the street. (Y/N) and I'll take the alley. We'll meet you in the middle."

You and Sam nod and split up. You and Dean creep in silence behind the man. You turn a corner after him and see him crouched over a body, a red light wrapping like tendrils around the soon-to-be corpse. Dean shakes his head. "Son of a..." And then he stampedes towards the man.

"Dean, wait!" you hiss, running after him. The dumbass ignores you and you propel yourself faster. JT rises, unaware of you and the Winchester quickly nearing him. He turns and looks straight at you when Dean tackles him. You push yourself faster and you're almost there when...

You trip over the corpse and fall on top of Dean and Justin. All three of you grunt and you're surrounded by a blinding red light. The man quickly gets up and runs away.

"Hey!" Dean calls, jumping up. You rise, too, holding your gun out and ready to fire. The two of you chase after the man. "Hey!" Dean yells again. He cocks his gun and yells out again. The two of you run out into the street, ready to shoot the man, but... it's not the right street. At least you don't think it is. It looks weird. Jazz music sounds from a nearby shop and clusters of people in old-fashioned clothing stand huddled together on the sidewalk. The shops look vintage. A car speeds by and you can't help but gape at it. It's a '35 Mercedes-Benz 500k Roadster for God's sake! Those things were rarer than bigfoot (the one legend that you and Winchesters hadn't proven true yet.)

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