sam winchester || in memory

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|| not edited

"Can you stop staring at me?" I ask frustratedly, though a grin is slowly creeping onto my face. I take another bite of my pancake.

My little brother, Tyler, smiles playfully. "No. I can't eat anymore, but if I watch you and think about it hard enough, I can almost taste the pancake on my tongue."

I smile and shake my head at Tyler's absurdity and take one last bite of pancake before rising from the table and scraping the contents of my plate off and into the garbage can.

"Hey!" Tyler protests. "I was gonna eat that!"

I roll my eyes at the boy. "Sure you were. Sorry, Ty."

Tyler feigns exasperation with a sigh. "Whatever, Pey. I'll go find food somewhere else." With a swoosh of cold air, Tyler is gone, leaving me standing alone in my kitchen.

-8 Hours Later-

"Are you Peyton Reid?"

I raise an eyebrow at the two men that stand outside my front door. "Yes... might I ask why you're here?"

"There's been an electrical problem sweeping this neighborhood lately," says the shorter man. His green eyes seem deceptive, and I begin to close the door with little movements. This is too shady. They're either here for me, or they're here for Tyler, and neither one is an option.

But then the taller man begins to speak and I can't help but trust his words. "It'll only take a few minutes," he promises me, wearing a puppy-like expression. I look from one man to the other and feel a huge surge of self-conflict.

"Might I ask your names?" I ask.

I see the boys exchange a look and unease writhes in my stomach. The shorter one opens his mouth but the taller one interrupts.

"I'm Sam Winchester," he says. He motions to the other man. "This is my brother, Dean." Dean looks betrayed by his brother, but he offers me a hand. I take it and shake.

"Dean Winchester," he says with a toothy grin. "Nice to meet ya."

I smile politely, but I really don't trust him. And I know that since I don't trust him, I shouldn't trust Sam either, but my heart doesn't seem to be listening right now.

"Come in," I say, opening the door fully. I watch as the brothers obey and immediately pull a device out of the pockets of their jeans. The objects are both identical, resembling some sort of walkie talkie. They both begin to move with the devices, scanning my living room. "What's that?" I ask.

When Sam looks to Dean to answer, the unease in my belly grows. It seems to me that Dean is the shiftier one, the better liar. "It helps us detect the electrical problems," Dean tells me. I nod along with his words and slowly begin to approach the end table where I keep my mace and hand gun.

Once the Winchesters have deemed my living room fit to their standards, they move on to the hallway where the bedrooms are. They scan my bedroom door with no problems. They scan the door to the guest room and nothing happens. They scan the door to Tyler's room and their devices begin to beep erratically.

My blood runs cold and chills prickle my skin. They're hunters. Tyler told me this might happen. He'd heard about it from others like him. But I never thought this would happen to him. My baby brother.

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