[AstralShadows] castiel || "what's this?"

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"What's this?" You turn to Castiel to find what he is indicating. This isn't an uncommon question to hear from the angel; he is still trying to adjust to this world.

You grin a little half smile. "That is my bra, Cas. Please put it down." He obeys and takes another look around your bedroom. You add, "Maybe we should leave my room. I told you, if you're going to teleport to my place, at least teleport to the front door. I could've been naked or something."

"That doesn't seem to bother most humans," observes Cas, following you out of your room. You turn and raise a questioning eyebrow at him. "Well, it did not bother the pizza man."

You sigh and ignore his strange phrasing. "Do you want something to drink?"

Cas ignores your question and instead points to a picture on the mantel. "Who's this?"

You smile. "My nephew. You know, sometimes I regret giving up hunting, but he's the thing that keeps me grounded. If I were still a hunter, God knows where I'd be. Not near him, that's for sure. And, of course, I can go on hunts just for fun whenever Sam and Dean are in town."

Cas nods. "And what is this? This... puffy structure in the background."

You stifle a giggle and flank him. "That's a bouncy house, Cas. Little kids think that they're fun. It's like a huge balloon that doesn't float, so they're really fun to jump in. It's almost like you're weightless."

"That sounds... pleasing." Cas looks away from the picture and down at you. "And you like these puffy structures? Flouncy houses, I believe you called them?"

You smile. "Close enough. And yes, I do."

Cas grins and the room around you disappears. You look around in confusion. You're outside, in a huge green backyard. Now, whose backyard, that you couldn't say. The house is huge, like a small manor. Oak trees line the outskirts of the yard, both of them a beautiful green and neatly cut. A huge inflatable castle sits a few yards away from the house. Little kids are running around, squealing and singing and just being noisy, as children often are. The adults are submerged in conversation, most of them gesticulating wildly, probably from the beers that scattered the tables dotting the yard. No one has noticed your entrance.

A mother pops her head out of the backdoor and yells, "Cake!"

Cake. A surefire way to herd a crowd in a short time period.

All of the children climb out of the bouncy house and the adults herd them into the house, leaving you and Cas alone in the backyard. "Where are we?"

"Somewhere in Vermont," says Cas, offering you a hand. You smile at the man in the trenchcoat and except his offer. He leads you to the bouncy house and tries to climb in.

"No, not yet!" you exclaim. You slide off your shoes and gesture for Cas to do the same. While he does this, looking confused as hell, you crawl under the flap. Cas eventually enters behind you. Still on all fours, you turn around and face him, the red of the ceiling reflecting on his face.

He raises an eyebrow at the structure. "And this is... fun?"

You giggle. "Not yet, silly. You haven't started jumping yet." You rise to your feet and turn around, bending over, grabbing Cas's wrists, and pulling him up with you. He stands stagnant, still unsure of what to do.

"Jump!" you command, bouncing on the balls of your feet. Slowly, unsurely, Castiel follows. His confused expression melts a little and he begins to bounce harder. "Yes!" You keep his hands in yours and begin to jump, bending your legs back every time you hover in the air. A smile reaches Cas's face and he jumps, too, and he reaches heights even higher than you!

You jump together for a few minutes, until you both reach the ground at the same time and the inflatable contorts in an awkward shape. The defect in the rubber causes you both to fall, landing in a giggling heap. You are left by Cas's side, dangerously close to his chest. Your giggles fade and the two of you are left in silence, just examining each other's faces. While searching those beautiful blue eyes, you scoot closer to him so your sides are pressed together.

"And what's this?" he whispers, his breath tickling your face.

"This is the beginning of something wonderful," you whisper back, and you lean forward, catching his lips in yours.

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