dean winchester || first textual experience pt. 4

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     "So if you two were Annie's friends, how come she never mentioned you before?" David Abram raises a suspecting eyebrow at you and Dean, posing as a couple close to Annie and absolutely traumatized by your friend's death.

     "Yes," you sniff. "We just wanted to hear a little bit about her last few weeks... It's been a while since we last spoke. I still can't believe it. Annie, of all people! It really makes you think about how safe you really are..."

     Dean laces his arm around your waist and places a comforting kiss on the top of your head. Your heart flutters, even though you know it's just part of the performance. "I'm here to keep you safe. I just wish Annie had someone there for her that night."

     David draws in a shaky breath. "So do I," he sighs remorsefully. "Do you guys want to come in?" He pulls the front door open and heads deeper into the house.

     Dean takes your hand in his and leads you inside. Part of you wonders why he's still performing when David isn't watching, and a part of you wonders if it isn't part of the act. 

     You quickly shake away the thoughts and try to revert all your focus to the task at hand. You drop Dean's hand for a moment to shrug off your cardigan and hang it on the coat rack in David's living room. The moment it's free, Dean scoops your small hand into his again. 

     David sinks into a cushy armchair and looks up at you and Dean expectantly. "You can sit, you know."

     Dean lets go of your hand and takes a seat on the couch. You perch on the edge of the couch, and then try to fight the look of surprise off of your face when Dean leans towards you, strings his arm across your shoulders, and pulls you back into the couch cushions to snuggle up on him. A giddy part of you thinks, Oh, I can get used to this.

     "You know what Annie would say?" David sighed sadly. You and Dean answer with a sympathetic look. "She'd say that you two were a perfect couple. She was always into picture-perfect relationships and fairytale romance."

     Crimson blooms on your cheeks and you're surprised to see that the blush has joined the freckles on Dean's face as well.

     "What do you want to know about her?" David continues, not noticing your discomfort.

     "Well," you begin. "When did you two start dating?"

     You know full well that they never dated, but Annie's chat history with her other friends suggested that she had been infatuated with David for a long time. If David could say the same for her, then this story would be the same as Myra's, and Sam would have his connections.

     David scoffs. "What, did she tell you we were dating?"

     Dean raises an eyebrow. "Are you not? Annie never shut up about you." It wasn't a lie, according to her text history.

     David's expression softens, genuinely surprised at the answer. "She liked me?"

     You purse your lips as a feeling of understanding washes over you. You know the feeling of unrequited love all too well, and that knowing that Annie's love was indeed mutual can't be easy for David to cope with.

     "Isn't it funny how it worked out that way?" David chuckles coldly, an angry glint flashing in his eyes. The sudden shift of emotion makes you a little uneasy, and you scoot closer to Dean. He senses your discomfort and tightens his grip on your hand, giving you a little security.

     "Isn't it all just grand?" David demands, now looking directly at you. Your heartbeat quickens, and you suddenly don't want to be this house anymore.

     "It's awful, I know," you say softly to David. To Dean, you add, "Babe, shouldn't we go visit your mom before she leaves for her trip to Poughkeepsie?"

     "You're right, we should get going." Dean stands from the table and extends his hand to David. "We've got to go, man. I'm sorry about Annie. She was a great girl."

     David nods and shakes Dean's hand. "You can let yourself out."

     "Will do." Dean takes your hand and steers you out of the house. As soon as the front door slams shut, you break out into a run to the Impala. You take one look back at the house before you slide into the passenger seat.

     David's head is peeping out the window between the drapes, watching you leave.

     "Creepy," you mutter as Dean twists the keys in the ignition and speeds away.

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