[SoullessMiko] castiel || heavenly

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     A crash sounds from the kitchen of the bunker, which scares you because you thought you were the only person awake at this hour. You set your book aside and sit up straight in your bed, straining your ears; more clattering comes from downstairs.

     You silently slip off of your bed and pull your pistol out of your nightstand drawer, just in case someone else- or something else- other than the residents of the bunker has found it's way in.

     You tiptoe downstairs, gun cocked and ready. You turn the corner of the kitchen and aim your gun at the dark figure rummaging through a cabinet. You sidestep until you've reached the light switch and throw on the lights with your free hand.

     Castiel spins around, shielding his eyes from the bright light. You heave a sigh of relief and rest your gun on the counter. "Oh, it's just you, Cas." 

     You smile softly, glad that he's returned home. You always seem to find yourself worrying about the angel whenever he's alone, even though you know that he's more than capable of defending himself.

     "Heyy, (Y/N)," Cas smiles, swaying a little. You frown, confused, and look him over. His usually tidy hair is mussed up and sticking out at various different angles. His shirt under the trenchcoat is stained with an unknown liquid. His fingers are coated with black, dusty God knows what. 

     "You look beautiful in this light," he adds in a giddy voice. 

     You look worriedly at your friend. "Cas? Are you okay?"

     "Never been better," he laughs. "I finally feel brave- like I'm not scared to say what I'm thinking anymore." He hiccups quietly. He's drunk, you realize. Still, you can't force an excited feeling out of your stomach- even though you know what he's saying probably isn't true.

     You sigh, exasperated. You'd had your fair share of dealing with drunk Winchesters, but now the angel drank? 

     "Come on, Cas. Let's get you cleaned up." You approach the man and wrinkle your nose at the stench of vodka. "Bit of a strong drink for an angel, hm?" He hiccups in response. You roll your eyes and grab his bicep, leading him out of the kitchen.

     "Thank you for helping me, (Y/N)," Cas says with a slight slur as you direct him to the bathroom. "You are a compassionate person. Another admirable quality of yours that I've never been able to address."

     You ignore his drunken words and help him shed off his trenchcoat. You wrinkle your nose at the dirty white shirt underneath, doused in some unknown liquor. 

     "Let's get you out of this." You position the angel's arms out straight and unbutton his shirt. You tug it off of his right arm and slip it off the left. The entire time, you feel Cas's blue gaze on your face, and it makes you blush slightly. 

     You take a step back and admire your work, looking at Cas standing there in nothing but his pants and an undershirt. You force yourself to ignore how tight the undershirt is against his chest. 

     "Now we just have to wash your hands," you say, moreso to yourself than him. "Your hair can wait until the morning; you'll be able to take care of that sober. Okay, Cas. Turn around and face the sink." You step forward to help him, but he sidesteps, blocking the sink from you. Again, he's looking at you with that brilliantly blue, lustful stare.

     "Cas," you say softly, trying to remind him of the task at hand. "Face the sink."

     He ignores your command, instead stepping forward and wrapping his arms around your waist, pulling you against his chest. He tilts his head down so that your foreheads touch and you know you should pull away, that you shouldn't take advantage of his state.

     But you don't. Instead, you say his name.


     "(Y/N)," he whispers, twisting his neck down and sideways, causing his lips to crash into yours.

     You never expected an angel to kiss like this.

     With such desperation, such passion, such aggression. Such want.

     But angels did kiss like this, and my God, it was heavenly.

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