castiel || "these scars tell my story"

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|| not edited

"(Y/N), are you alright?" With a flap of wings, Cas is immediately at your side, assessing the damage done to your body.

"I'm fine," you say tiredly, bringing a finger to the cut over your eyebrow to test your words. You wince at the sting of your finger against the fresh wound, but you can deal with it. It's nothing major.

"Are you sure?" the angel presses, and he takes your shoulder and spins you around to face him so that he can assess frontal damage. "You're bleeding." He raises his hand. "Here, let me-"

"No!" you protest, ducking away from his extended arm. Softer, you add, "Please don't."

Cas casts you a sad look. "(Y/N), I cannot comprehend why you repeatedly deny yourself of the healing that I can offer you."

You sigh. "Because, Castiel." You purposely use this name because you know he prefers Cas. Using "Castiel" makes him feel like a stranger. Not welcome. "You wouldn't understand."

Cas stares back, wide-eyed and confused, looking a little heartbroken. "Please, (Y/N). Explain. I promise I'll try to understand." At your hesitation, he glances around the empty diner where you just ganked a typical black eyes. "Here," he offers, and at the sound of his rustling wings, you are both standing in your bedroom back at the bunker. "Now will you explain?"

You collapse on your bed, getting comfortable. His desperation is heartbreaking and you know that you can't fight him off for long. He's obviously not going to give up.

"Because, Cas. They mean something to me. They're not just ugly lines across my skin. They all remind me of something."

Cas furrows his brow, still confused. He sits next to you on the bed, ready to listen. "Why would you want to remind yourself of the pain this hunt has caused you?"

You smile softly. "Because I don't see them as reminders of pain. They all remind me of good things, of memories. Look." You point to a small bit of scar tissue on your right knee. "This is from when I first learned to ride a bike. I was so nervous and shaky that the bike wobbled too much and fell to the side. When I skinned my knee, I ran to my dad sobbing. I was ready to quit." You smile at the memory. "But he told me to get my ass back on that bike and ride. So I got back on -with determination and confidence this time- and I rode my bike down the street."

Cas smiles too, and you decide to go on. "This," you say, addressing your ring finger which is bent in two different places. "The first break is from when I first met the Winchesters." A lump begins to rise in your throat. "It was after my parents died."

Cas nods. He knows the gory tale of how a demon killed your parents.

"I had found them, and I was still..." You swallow the lump in your throat before it gets in the way of your speech. "I was still crouched over their bodies. Sobbing. Begging them to wake up. And then Sam put his hand on my shoulder... I spun around and punched him in the jaw, because I thought obviously he must have been the one to kill my parents. I mean, this was before I knew about demons, and he was a stranger who showed up in my house. It made sense. Anyway, it turned out they had traced the demon back to my place. They were too late. And I broke my finger because I didn't know how to punch back then." You chuckle lightly. "So yeah, it reminds me of the night I lost my family. But it also reminds me of the night I found my new one."

Cas smiles softly and he wraps his arm around your shoulder. "You don't have to go on if you don't want to."

You gaze up at him, your eyes watering with his tears, and his blue ones showing signs of the waterworks as well. "I want to."

Cas's grin widens and he looks down at your finger. "What's this one from?" He's referring to the second break.

You smile widely at that one. "That's when Sam and Dean let me punch the demon who killed my parents before they taught me how to gank her. That was within the same week, and they still hadn't taught me how to punch. And my finger was still sensitive." You giggle. "They're morons."

You twist your arm to show a long, jagged scar, starting at your shoulder and running down the length of your elbow. "And this is the first hunt you and I went on together. The vamp scratched me good, but then you came to the rescue. And after that, we had our first kiss, remember?"

Cas grins at the memory. "Trust me, I couldn't forget." 

You take a deep breath before moving on to your other arm. You turn over your hand to reveal the practically microscopic cut running vertically down your arm. "And this..." Cas's eyes widen at the sight of it and his grip on you immediately tightens. "This is from when I decided that this life was too much. But then Dean walked in... I think I didn't lock the door because I wanted someone to stop me. So I listened when he reminded me that I get to save lives everyday. And that no matter what happened... I'd always have him, and Sam, and you. See, you can see where I stopped."

You look up at Cas, tears streaming down your face. Your voice cracks when you add, "And that's it. These scars, Cas, sometimes they're all I have. They remind me to be confident, to be brave... that sometimes it's good to be humble. They remind me to fight. And they all remind me of the people I love."

Cas is crying when he tells you, "I think I know what this one will remind you of." He kisses the cut on your forehead.

"And what's that?" you ask, your voice catching again.

Cas smiles tearily. "The first time I tell you I love you." He takes your hand and presses his lips to the tiny cut on your arm. "And your scars."

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