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"Who the hell are you and how did you get here?" You stand with your feet set defensively, with both your arms out and your demon blade in hand. You're tired, but you're still fast. You'll just have to pretend like you're strong.

The woman with the short hair and the sad eyes purses her lips. "You're the Winchester's girl? The one who's always with them?"

You grip the blade tighter in your hand. "I'm not the Winchester's girl."

"Then why are you here?" asks the woman in her soft voice. "Under their roof? Helping them? With them always? With Dean especially."

You blush angrily, desperate to change the subject. "Who are you?"

"I'm Tessa," she says, and finally something has come out of her mouth that hasn't pissed you off.

"What do you want?" you push, cocking your head, but maintaining your stance.

Tessa sighs and her sad eyes look sadder. "You're the Winchester's girl."

"No, I'm not," you growl.

Tessa ignores you. "I have to give you more."

"More what?" you ask, your voice sounding breathless and desperate. "What are you talking about? What are you?"

Tessa's mouth softens and she casts you a regretful look. "I'm a reaper."

The color leaves your face and your stomach flips. No. Not now. They said you had more time. "They said I had more time," you protest in a shaky and fearful voice. They said you had more time!

Tessa nods. "I know they did. But they were wrong."

You draw in a shaky breath, your heart racing, though you're not sure the reason. You've faced death countless times, and this is the most casual encounter you've had. So why are you so terrified? "So this is it? I don't get to say goodbye? To Cas, or Sam, or... or Dean?"

Tessa holds her hand out to you. "You do. You're not supposed to, but you are."

You eye her hand wearily. Is this a trick? 

But you're too tired to think it through. You're always tired. A part of you is welcome to the idea of death, because the life that you lead now... you're losing everything, slowly and steadily. It's not a life. It's a slow, slow death. And what Tessa is offering is sleep. Eternal sleep.

So you close your eyes and take her hand, because if you die, you will be done. And if you don't, at least you get to say goodbye.

You open your eyes. "I'm still here?"

Tessa nods and starts to pull you towards your bedroom door. "Yes. But not for long. We're going to see Castiel first."

"'We?'" you ask uncertainly, stopping in the doorway. "Won't he be able to see you?"

Tessa shakes her head. "I'm a reaper. No one can see me except those who are dying."

"He's an angel," you point out.

Tessa bites her bottom lip. "Oh." She pauses for a moment. "But he already knows about you."

You frown. "What do you mean?"

"You have cancer. He's an angel. Trust me, he knows. He probably didn't say anything because you didn't. Has he been acting differently towards you since or before the diagnosis?"

You think back on it. "Actually, yes. Ever since I started getting those stomachaches... he's been treating me like I'm a china doll."

"He's in the room next to this one."

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