[lucinda1990] john winchester || dear john

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|| not edited

"i was too young to be messed with; the girl in the dress cried the whole way home"

"Help," rasps a voice. You look up and your eyes meet the desperate brown ones of a bloody man. He teeters as though he's about to fall. You rush forward and lace yourself under his arm to support him.

"I need help!" you yell. "Someone page Doctor Bishop!"

Various members of the hospital staff surround you and someone tries to lift the man away from you and onto a gurney. The man resists, murmuring, "I want her." He points a shaky finger at you and the eyes of everyone around you follows it.

"Rubi?" asks Craig, an EMT who happened to be around.

You nod, and they wheel the man into a trauma room, you walking by the gurney's side.

You're focused on listening to the commands that the surgeons are barking, and it doesn't sound good, so you're a little surprised when the man speaks. "Rubi, huh?" You look down at the man and nod. "I'll have to take you out to dinner when I get out of here, take you on a proper date." You smile. That wouldn't be half bad.


Two months later, you walk into your apartment, surprised to see John standing in your kitchen, speaking in angry, hushed tones into his cell. "Enough is enough, Dean," he scolds. "Now stop calling me." He snaps the phone shut and sighs. He turns around and sees you and his face lights up... then falls with a guilty look.

"You're here," you say, your voice deflating with every syllable. "And you're hiding something." He keeps his lips in a thin line, not revealing, and you make your voice firmer this time. "John? What are you hiding from me?"

He sighs. "That was my son." You blink a few times. Whoa. He has a son? "He wants me to come back."

"You abandoned your kid?" you ask incredulously. John wouldn't do this, would he? "And you didn't tell me? That's a dick move. You're not like this!"

"It's not like that," John insists, taking a few steps to you. You back up. No. He doesn't get to kiss and make up with you. "He's... Dean's 27."

"What?" That's only five years younger than you. "How... how young were you?"

"Young," John promises. "Don't worry. But... he's mad because we used to work together. And we don't anymore, because I have you."

That last part softens you up a bit. "But where do you disappear to all the time? If it's not work?"

"Oh, it is," John reassures you. "I just don't work with Dean anymore. It's too dangerous."

You frown. "What's dangerous about being a mechanic?"

John's face pales. "Um, just workplace accidents. They're very common."

"Oh," you say, taking a few steps forward. You rest your slender hand on his cheek. "Be careful. I don't know what I'd do without the man I love."

John smiles playfully. "Probably get together with one of my sons."

Your face falls. "There're more?"

John smirks, reveling in your surprise. "Three."

Your eyes widen. "Dean's the oldest, right?"

John laughs. "Of course."

"And no daughters?"

"No daughters."

You smile and guide his face to you, planting a sweet kiss on his lips. "Okay." There's a knock on your apartment door and you roll your eyes. "It's rude to interrupt," you whisper to John, resulting in a light chuckle from him.

You pull open your door and hide your confusion when you don't recognize the man. Who shows up at a stranger's door at 11 o'clock at night? He smirks at the sight of you and your eyes flick down to the brown leather briefcase in his hand. You raise a puzzled eyebrow at him. The man smiles and it leaves a sour feeling in your stomach. "You must be Rubi?" You slowly nod. "I'm a dear old friend of Johnny's in there," he says, wearing that sneer. "Mind if I come in?" You open the door further and the man grins, and you could swear you saw his eyes flash gold. You shake your head, dismissing the idea. You're just seeing things. You close the door and turn around, just in time to watch John charge angrily towards the man and for the man to raise his hand, sending John flying across the room without touching him.

You gasp when he turns around and flicks his hand, causing a force to slam you against the door. You struggle to move, but you're frozen. The man smiles and struts towards you. "Hello! Hi. I'm Azazel, and I'm here to destroy John's happiness." He runs the back of his hand across your cheek and you flinch away from his touch. "Unfortunately, that means you, sweetheart. And your li'l baby."

You furrow your brows. What?

Azazel's face lights up at your reaction. "Oh, you didn't even know! It's a shame you won't be able to enjoy being a mommy."

Your face pales as he clicks open his briefcase and reveals a long syringe.

You sob the entire time, John shedding his own tears at your loss.

And then Azazel snaps your neck.

3rd Person POV

"No!" John growls as Azazel's invisible grip relaxes. He rushes forward and catches Rubi's body. "No." He looks back up at Azazel, his eyes sparkling with tears. "You have to bring her back."

Azazel grins. "Now, why would I do that? I killed her for a reason, Johnny."

"I'll make a deal," John pleads. "Just bring her back."

Azazel tilts his head, as if he is weighing his options. "Alright," he finally says, clapping his hands. John's body relaxes. "But under one condition." John tenses again. "She's mine. I bring her back, she has no memory of you. And she belongs to me. She's one of my demons."

"No," John hisses.

"Think about it, Johnny," Azazel persists. "She would live again! You can live with yourself knowing that another whore hasn't died for you." John sighs. "I know you're tired, Johnny. Not just tired of danger. You're tired of this life. That's why you were with her, isn't it." It isn't a question. "She never deserved this. You are the reason this happened to her. You were selfish, you wanted to be happy. It's the least you can do to bring her back."

John is tired; he can't have this weighing on him. "Okay."

Also, requests are closed, for every book! I need to focus on exams, high school, and writing my own prompts. If you requested something before this message went up, don't worry, I'm still writing yours :) I just need to take a break, ya know?

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