castiel || "you were supposed to be my angel"

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|| not edited

"(Y/N), please," you hear Castiel beg from the other side of the door. 

You close your eyes and a tear slides out. You tilt your head backwards and rest it against the cold metal of the bathroom door. Your body begins to wrack with sobs and you take your hands off of the cool tile floor to cover your mouth so Cas doesn't hear.

"(Y/N), let me in, please!"

The strangled sobs that you've been containing break free and a heartbreaking noise escapes your throat. You sound like a mauled animal, and that's what you feel like- something that has been torn apart, and then left to writhe in agony.

This cannot be happening. It has to be impossible. 

But it is. This seems to keep happening. 

It's why you were attracted to the angel in the first place.

Because angels, true angels, believe in love. Loyalty. Respect, honesty.

An angel would never fuck another woman.

You should've known what all the others meant when they swore their brother, Castiel, was insubordinate.  That he was unlike them.

And you had pitied him! The thought brings more tears to the surface, and the abruptness of it causes you to begin hyperventilate. You hiccup between gasps, struggling to keep yourself quiet. The last thing you want is for Cas to zap himself into the room with you and attempt to calm you down.

"(Y/N)?" Cas asks, pounded his fist on the door. "(Y/N), let me in! Let me explain!"

You rub your eyes and sniffle deeply, your breathing beginning to even out. You know that if Cas truly cared, he would poof into the room. He'd sink down to his knees and pull you closer, rub circles into your back with his thumbs. Kiss your hair. Insist that he loved you, that he was sorry, that he'd made a terrible mistake. 

But he didn't poof into the room or tell you he loved you, because he didn't. If he loved you, he would have never disrespected you, had made you feel that shitty.

He knew how being cheated on made you feel. It'd happened to you once before and the absolute failure that it made you feel like was terrorizing. You'd never been that unhappy, that out of control.

You'd told Cas all of this, in the beginning of your relationship, and he had pulled you to his chest and kissed your forehead. He promised that he would never let you feel that way again.

But here you are.

"(Y/N)! Let me in!" he shouts, knocking on the door again. "Please, just hear me out!"

You wipe a stray tear from your cheek. Your voice is scratchy and it breaks when you speak: 

"You were supposed to be my angel."

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