"it's me, i swear"

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You wince as Crowley embeds a thick metal hook into your shoulder. When you first came to hell, you screamed louder than you'd ever screamed before. But after years of this, years of being tortured like this, you've learned how to bite down your screams and deprive Crowley of the satisfaction.

"How long are we gonna go on with this?" you ask Crowley as he twists the hook around in the flesh of your shoulder. You hiss in pain, but go on. If anything pisses him off, it's your constant sarcasm. "It's been years, Crowley, ole bud. When are you gonna be nice to me? We're like old friends now."

Crowley rolls his eyes at you. "We are, aren't we? We fight like an old married couple, it's actually quite adorable."

You bite your tongue again as Crowley slices another cut near your stomach.

"FERGUS," you hear a female yell, her shrill voice echoing throughout the halls.

Crowley rolls his eyes yet again. "Pardon me." He strolls out of the room, confident in the fact that you won't escape. It's incompetent of him to believe so, but he does.

You sigh in relief as he leaves, giving you mere seconds to look around the room and search for an escape. You spot a blade and glance down at the leather bounds that hold you down. You squirm and twist your arm partially free and reach for the blade. You grin to yourself as you take the blade and cut the through bonds. You immediately relax when the belts slide off.

Now to find a way out of hell.

You creep out of the room and wander the hallways. Fate must be smiling down on you today, because you don't encounter any of Crowley's black-eyed lackeys.

Apparently you spoke too soon, because you hear two gruff voices and footsteps sounding from the other end of the hallway. You flatten your body against the nearest wall and hold your breath, your heart beating rapidly.

Luckily, the demons are deeply immersed in their conversation and you blend in well with the shadows. As soon as they pass, you heave a sigh of relief and tiptoe down the end of the hall.

You wander the halls for a few tantalizingly long minutes when you come across a strange looking... is that a portal?

You glance over your shoulder to make sure that there are no demons near. When you see that the dank hall is empty, you turn back to the portal, weighing your options. You don't know where this portal is. It might take you somewhere horrible.

But what place is worse than hell?

You close your eyes and hold your breath, then step into the black hole.


"Who the hell are you and what right do you have pretending to be my sister?" Dean snarls in your ear, pressing his blade to your neck.

"It's really me, Dean," you choke, reverting your gaze to Sam, who eyes you warily. "Come on, Sammy, you recognize me, right?"

Sam doesn't answer and tightens his grip on the flask of holy water.

You roll your eyes at your brothers. "Gimme the freaking flask, I'll drink the whole friggin' thing if you want me to."

Sam exchanges a confused look with Dean, but puts the flask to your lips. Dean's grip on your shoulders doesn't let up, but he does relax his hand. You swallow freely now that the blade isn't pressed against your skin.

"What if you're a shifter?" Dean asks you, bringing the knife to your arm.

You scoff at your oldest brother's paranoia. "Dear God, Dean, I'm me! Give me the knife, I'll prove it."

Dean draws his lips into a sneer. "Yeah right. I'll do it for you."

He presses the blade into the skin of your forearm, and blood oozes out of the fresh cut. But nothing indicates that you're a shapeshifter, or a vamp, or any kind of monster. You're you.

"Now do you believe me?" you sigh exasperatedly.

Dean places his hands on your shoulders and turns you around to face him. "(Y/N/N)?" He breathes your name in absolute reverence, like it hasn't been said in months. And knowing your brothers, it probably hasn't. It probably hurt too much. You remember how it was when Dean went to hell. Sam didn't even want to utter his name after you both decided there was no way to resurrect him. "You're back?"

You nod tearily. "I'm back."

Dean rushes forward and Sam comes up from behind you and they crush you in a hug.

"We missed you so much," Sam whispers, burying his face into your hair.

"How'd you get back?" Dean asks you, his green eyes glistening.

"There's a portal," you say slowly, not really wanting to remember the whole hell experience, "that connects hell to Purgatory. Purgatory is a middle ground between the living and the damned."

"I don't care how you got back," Sam said, hugging you tighter. "I'm just glad our baby sister is back."  

This is a collab with the oh-so sweet ConnalovesReads, so if you liked it, please check out her writing!

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