dean winchester || amen

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     "Hail Mary, full of grace," you begin, folding your hands together. "The lord is with thee. Blessed are those among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of death. Amen." You sigh and sit up straighter in your bed. Your fingers slip to the next bead of your rosary and you begin to recite the prayer again. "Hail Mary, full of grace-"

     "(Y/N)?" calls Dean's deep voice. Your head whips up, and you see him standing in the doorway to your bedroom. "What're you doing?"

     You blush. "No, Dean. I'm..." you trail off, wondering if you should tell him what you're doing. In the past, Dean has been very clear that there is no such thing as God. You didn't want him to patronize you for your beliefs.

     "(Y/N), is something wrong? You can tell me." He walks across the room and sits next to you on your bed. You offer him a half smile and watch as his green gaze travels to the rosary in your hand. "What's this?"

     "It's a rosary, Dean," you say softly. His green eyes look up, full of curiosity.

     "You're a Catholic?" he says incredulously.

     You laugh quietly. "Yes."

     Dean smiles playfully, attempting to laugh it off. "What other skeletons lie in your closet?"

     "I'm not ashamed of it," you state. "I just... you tend to force your disbelief upon people sometimes."

     Dean lowers his gaze. "I... I'm sorry. I didn't know you, uh... believed in this."

     You offer him a sad smile and can't help but pity the fact that Dean was raised to where he can't believe in a greater good. "I do believe in this. I pray before and after every hunt. I pray for your safety, for Sam's safety, for mine. For the people we're helping. I thank God every time we make it out of a hunt, because we are alive. You can preach about how you don't think God exists, but I will still pray."

     Dean bites his bottom lip. "Huh."

     "Dean?" you ask, a little worried that you offended him. "I didn't... go too far, did I? I don't want to force anything on you."

     "No," he reassures you and wraps his arms around your shoulders. "I'm glad you told me."

     "Okay," you exhale, relieved. "I'm glad, too."


     "Sam, have you seen Dean? We need to leave soon, that demon knows that we're after it. If we don't hurry, it'll have enough time to skip town."

     "Check his room," Sam advises, packing a backpack with the necessary weapons for your trio's next task. You nod and make your way in that direction, taking quiet steps to Dean's door. You raise an eyebrow when you find it slightly ajar. Dean always closes his door. You cautiously push it open and see your boyfriend's figure kneeling by the side of his bed, his back to you.

     "I, um," Dean mumbles, so quietly that you can barely hear him. You strain your ears a bit. "I don't really know how to do this. I haven't done it, since, uh, since my mom died. I don't really remember. But I'm trying. I'm praying. Not just to God. To anyone. Anyone who can protect Sammy and (Y/N). Please." 

     Dean sighs and runs a hand through his hair. "God, I'm not good at this. Um... Sam and (Y/N) are good people. They never deserved this life. They don't deserve anything that happens to them, but it happens to them anyway. The least that could happen is for them to make it out of this unharmed. Alive. And the locals... they're so naïve it hurts. They didn't do anything wrong either. So please, let this be a success. Let there be a small moment where there is nothing wrong. Let this case go well so I can take my brother and girlfriend out for a beer, so we can laugh and get drunk. Let us pretend to be normal, even if it's just for a few hours. Let us be happy." 

      He pauses, then adds, "Let them be happy. Please."

      Dean places a hand on the side of his bed and heaves himself up. He walks towards the door, but takes one more look back to the empty room. "Amen."

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