sam winchester || small bump

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|| not edited

"You're... pregnant?" Sam's eyes are filled with wonder and disbelief. You have to smile at his childlike expression, since he just found out that he's not the child anymore.

You nod happily and the tears that had previously been gathering up in your eyes threaten to fall.

Sam laughs and pulls you in for a gentle kiss. His gaze flickers down to your stomach and he rests his hand on it. "It's crazy," he murmurs, "that there's a tiny human in there. And amazing."

You're just a small bump unborn
In four months you're brought to life
You might be left with my hair
But you'll have your mother's eyes
I'll hold your body in my hands
Be as gentle as I can
And now you're a scan
On my unmade plans
Small bump
In four months you're brought to life

It's been five months since Sam found out you're pregnant and you've never seen him happier. He's really gotten in touch with his paternal side, helping you set up a nursery in the bunker, baby-proofing the entire dug-out, and imagining. Imagining who your son will be. Imagining that he'll have your eyes and mouth, but Sam's nose and hair. (You really wanted your son to be blessed with his hair.) Imagining how he'll be the best hunter of his generation. Not a monster hunter, of course. You and Sam would settle down. You'll take him hunting for animals, like a normal family. Imagining how close he'll be with Uncle Dean and Uncle Cas. Imagining how happy you all will be. And he prays that everything will be okay, that God will give you this shot at a normal life.

I'll hold you tightly,
I'll give you nothing but truth
If you're not inside me,
I'll put my future in you

Sam's never been more careful, either. He won't allow you to hunt anymore, which you understand. After all, it's not just your life at risk anymore. But Sam is protective and calculates his every move. It touches you how much he wants to insure that he and Dean will get to meet your son.

You are my one and only
You can wrap your fingers round my thumb
And hold me tight
Oh you are my one and only
You can wrap your fingers round my thumb
And hold me tight
And you'll be alright

Every night when Sam comes home, he approaches you and gives you a sweet kiss. Then he kneels down and kisses your belly button. He murmurs to the baby in hushed tones so that he and his son already have secrets. You've never loved him more.

You're just a small bump unknown
And you'll grow into your skin
With a smile like hers and a dimple beneath your chin
Finger nails the size of a half grain of rice
And eyelids closed to be soon opened wide
A small bump
In four months you'll open your eyes

"It's so soon," he breathes one night when you're lying in bed.

"I know," you whisper excitedly.

"Just imagine it," he says in his dreamy voice. You smile. Never has Sam been so excited about something, so desperate for it to come faster. "We're going to be parents. We're going to be taking care of a tiny human."

I'll hold you tightly,
I'll give you nothing but truth
If you're not inside me,
I'll put my future in you
You are my one and only
You can wrap your fingers round my thumb
And hold me tight
Oh you are my one and only
You can wrap your fingers round my thumb
And hold me tight
And you'll be alright

You smile. "I love you."

He grins. "I love you, too. I love you for giving this to me. For letting me have this chance." He wraps his arms around you and pulls you closer to him, and you start to fall asleep with your head resting on his chest.

You can lie with me,
With your tiny feet when you're half asleep
I'll leave you be
Right in front of me
For a couple weeks
So I can keep you safe

Before you slip into your slumber, you hear him whisper, "God, please. Help me. Help me protect them. Help me keep them safe."

'Cause you are my one and only
You can wrap your fingers round my thumb
And hold me tight
Oh you are my one and only
You can wrap your fingers round my thumb
And hold me tight
And you'll be alright

The next morning, you wake up with blood coating your legs.

You were just a small bump unborn,
For four months then torn from life
Maybe you were needed up there
But we're still unaware as why

Neither you nor Sam had the strength to take down the nursery. The crib in the corner of the room sat unused. The rattles and teddy bears were gathering dust. Sam didn't imagine anymore.

And you never heard him pray again.

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