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my foot stumbled on each step of the staircase, unsure of heading back in the dorm. i knew i was always welcomed but a sign was telling me that something bad was going to happen, not sure if it would be between our friendship or my presence. i shake my head vigorously and pushed aside my negative thoughts.

i was finally at the floor of our dorm and the hallways were filled with such roaring noises already, i wondered how people here manage to bare with our ear-splitting noises and foolishness. the sound already made me felt at home and welcomed.

before i could enter, my hand clutched the door knob but it was just like that. i stood still while i heard their conversation. it was bad to eavesdrop but i had to know what was going on before i entered.

"what are you doing here?" Hoseok's voice rang from the door,

my eyes furrowed in confusion bringing my ear closer to the door while curiosity killed me. who was in there?

"i was wondering if Jungkook was here."

i had no idea who it was but all i heard was my name which made me more curious.

"waeyo? what do you need from him now?" another voice spoke,

"i want to tell him something."

that voice sounded familiar coming from a girl, i've heard it but couldn't pin point who exactly.

i couldn't stand eavesdropping anymore so I barged inside the dorm, walking straight towards the living room earning everyone's gazes. the girl, it was her.


shattered | j.jkDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora