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*Celine's POV*

When I open my eyes Kate and Astrid lay next to me. A blond mess is laying on my lap and on the other side of the couch my brownie is sleeping. Today we're going to visit granny! She loves me, she tells me every time she sees me. Bella is an old but so kind lady. Her dog Lily gave birth so we're going to take a look. I hear voices in the kitchen, I gently push Kate's head off my lap and stand up. The two voices start laughing and I immediately recognize Niall's laugh. The door is slightly opened and I push is a little further so I can see the twins. They're both only wearing boxers.
"Liam you're getting fat bro." Niall teases even though Liam has a six pack while Niall is still 'working at it'.

"I'm pregnant Niall." Liam says and strikes his belly. "Oh my god Liam congratulations!" Niall smiles and he puts his hand on his brother's stomach. "Thanks." They really mean this sort of conversations. They don't laugh but are like professional actors, what makes it even funnier. "I'm going to name it Riley." Liam says and his hand finds his belly again. I have to put my hand for my mouth to not burst into laughter.

I'm looking at twin brothers who don't look like each other at all, both wearing boxers, making breakfast, acting like they're pregnant while they think they're alone.

I decide to pretend like I didn't see anything and walk back to my two sleeping best friends on the tops of my toes.

They're both awake. Well Kate is. Kate is a person who can sleep wherever and whenever she wants. She can stay up all night but she can fall asleep on a chair or the floor. She won't wake up of anything, a bomb could explode and she won't hear it. But when she's awake she's very active, sometimes that gets my nerves. Astrid and I are the opposite, we can't fall asleep and Astrid needs two pillows before she can close her eyes. When we wake up it takes longer to get actually awake. We have a sort of morning mood. But Kate is the one who shakes us through another to wake us and starts the day with a bright smile.

"Good morniiiiiiing!" Kaye yells. Her smiles is as bright as the sunlight, even brighter. She opens the curtains so the sunlight burns into Astrid's eyes. Her two hands fly to her face to cover her eyeballs and protect them for the light.
"Katherin Rose Tomlinson!" Astrid grumbles but Kate acts like she didn't hear it.

"Breakfast is ready!" Liam yells and Kate and I look at each other.
"Foooood." We say with a strange low voice. We all start laughing.
We stand up and go to the dining room. The table is set and the knives are on the wrong side of the plate, clearly Niall set the table.

We all take a seat. I'm sitting in front of Astrid, next to Niall. In front of him is his brother next to Kate.
"Beautiful." Liam teases and holds Kate's fingers between his hands to look at her nails. "Astrid totally ruined it." She laughs. "Mine aren't perfect either." The brown one defends herself and shows her red nails Kate totally screwed. "Good thing I can do it by myself." I laugh.

After breakfast Kate, Astrid and I take a shower. We're standing in front of the mirror who's too small for both of us. "Can you do it?" I ask Kate, the bun-expert. She makes a bun into my hair and it look fabulous like always. "Thank you." I smile. "Where did you learn to make them?" I question her. I'm standing behind her, looking at how her small fingers put her hair into the perfect bun. "I was a gymnast you know, I think it learned it on the shows." I regret my question, she can't remember her life before the accident and I pointed it out again. Kate was an incredible gymnast, I once saw a picture of her in front of the jury. "Oh."

She turns around and smiles, acting like it didn't hurt her. She knows I don't do it on purpose so she tries not to make a big deal of it.

We all meet downstairs in the hallway, of course everybody has to wait on Astrid. She's stressed the most but still the latest. Always.
Every group of friends has that one person you always have to wait on. Most of the time it's Astrid.

"Ready?" Liam asks. He's wearing jeans and a green shirt, green definitely is his color. Kate is wearing a bleu dress and Astrid is just wearing a cute skirt that reaches above her knees. Niall is wearing his normal Niall clothing: jeans and a shirt. A red one this time with white letters on it. And me, I'm wearing a grey dress with mid-long sleeves and the bottom barely reaches my knees.

We reach the bus station and Kate starts giggling without any reason, out of nothing. That's what she does often. Sometimes it scared me but I got used to it. Sometimes when we walk up to our class she's walking behind Astrid and I and we hear her giggling behind us. Nobody will ever know why.

"Kate are you drunk?" Niall laughs. Actually Kate is always crazy but somehow she can hide it but I know that in her head she's always like this. But sometimes she has those moments she can't hide it. Like now.
"She had too much chocolate I assume." Astrid sighs. We all know it's true.

( I hope my story isn't boring... Sometimes I have that feeling so please tell me if it's getting boring! Thank you for reading it really means a lot to me, I don't have as many readers like all the other books who're a lot better than mine but still. Next week the exams are there so... I'll try to write as much as
I can ) x x x x

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