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*Kate's POV*

When I open the door a cold breeze makes me shiver, I need to get my jacked when I'm home. Is it still my home? Actually I hope so.
I love being with Liam all the time but I want to know I have a place to go when I want to escape from everything.

It's 10 'o clock and the sun is giving not enough warmth to warm my skin. I'm getting more nervous every step I take. She's probably going to yell at me and send me out but I want to try. Why is she even mad at me? Because I didn't tell her where I was two times? And because I slept on a bench of course... Why can't I just keep that fucking mouth shut? When I wasn't that stupid to tell her I wasn't in trouble now, than she wasn't angry with me. Than I was still living in my house and I could see my brothers and sister almost every minute of the day.

The bus stops, I hate traveling by bus, it smells and there are always strange people on it who stare at me or people who talk to their phone way too loud. People who didn't take a shower in weeks and people who think they can still combine all the colors of the rainbow together in their clothing.

The driver greets me with a nod and I give him one of my fake smiles in return. I walk down the hall with seats filled with people like I assumed. There's only one seat empty next to a man sleeping against the window.
When the bus starts driving his head shakes up and down.
I wish I didn't look when the water was streaming down from between his parted lips. Ew. But I did and now I have a trauma I need to recover from for days, weeks even.

I decide not to sit down next to him and grab the door handle to keep myself from falling down in front of all these weird people. I take my phone in one hand, the other still steadying myself. Liam still didn't text or call me. Why is he acting so strange? His behavior drives me insane.

When the doors open to let me out I wish the ride lasted a little longer. Although I don't want to spend any time with those... Special women and men, I don't want to face my mother either. Since Louis told her about his apartment our family is falling apart.

The sun is shining a little brighter than when I left at Liam's house but I'm still cold.
By the time I reach my mother's house I doubt about what I'm going to say to her. I'll try to be the sweet, loving daughter but when she starts yelling I'll probably turn out in the cruel and most of all furious stranger.

I'm standing in front of the white door I already opened for too many times in my life but now it feels so different and strange to stand on this doorway to knock on the door, waiting for my mother to open it and slam it in my face when she sees me. Thank goodness my mother isn't answering the door but Louis. He's wearing jeans and a white shirt with bleu stripes on it.
He smiles and pushes his hair back before saying my name.
"I didn't expect you here." He adds and opens the door to let me in.

"Is she home?" I ask. He understands who I'm referring to and he shakes his head. Relief fills my body and I can't help it but smile.
He closes the door and keeps standing in front of me staring to my belly like I'm pregnant.

"Louis?" My hand strikes my body uncomfortable. Do I look fat in this shirt or something?
He shakes his head, to wake up from his thoughts I guess.

"A drink?" He asks like he would ask some stranger who doesn't live here.

Actually I don't.

Before I can answer he already disappeared in the kitchen.
When he comes back he's holding a light green cup in his hand filled with soda.

"Can I see the twins?"
I ask when my cup is empty after an awkward silence. Louis is still acting strange but I learned from my mistakes and don't ask about it.

"Of course." He seems to be nervous around me.
I nod and frown when I'm standing with my back towards him.
This is so weird.

It seems like I've walked down this hallway four years ago and when I open the door the kids will be playing. Matt with some cars and Jade will be drawing her family.

*Astrid's POV*

"I should go home." I say and stand up from the bench.
"Are you mad?" Jake asks and kisses my cheek. Am I? I'm not mad, I'm a bit confused. My 'friend' used drugs until the day he met me. What's that supposed to mean? And on top of the cake my boyfriend used it with him.
"No." I say and try to smile, he doesn't seem to notice I'm actually feeling horrible. Actually he doesn't know me at all.

I want to talk to Harry about his past but I think our 'friendship' isn't strong enough to handle that sort of conversations yet.
"I just need to go." I smile and head inside straight to the front door, I need to be alone for some time, to think about what's going to be my next step.

*Liam's POV*

Kate will lose it when she hears what's going on with Louis. I can't tell her, Louis needs to clean up his own mess not me. I didn't want to go to her house, Louis and her mother are there and we both know what was going to happen. I can't face Louis now, he probably would kill me with his eyes and Kate would be even more confused than she already is. She probably doesn't understand why I'm not coming with her, I want to see the twins too.

I'm not feeling like doing homework. I take the stairs and grab some cookies. I jump on the couch and put the television on. There's really nothing on it. I watch an old and boring documentary about bears and fishes to pass time.

After the documentary and a quick nap de front door finally opens. But it's not Kate.
My sister walks in and sits down on the couch next to me without saying a word and grabs a cookie from my plate.

I take a look at the clock, it's after noon already and Kate still didn't text me. "I'll make dinner." I say and slowly get up, I'm laying down like this for an hour or two, waiting for my girl to come home.

(I'm sorry if the chapters last a little longer but this week I have too much homework to write every day and my wattpad app is freaking so I can't upload :$ xx)

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