*Astrid's POV*
"Can we go to the park? Pleaseee?"
Matt has been pleasing the whole morning and afternoon to go to the park. "Okay okay." Jake gives in and kisses my cheek. The kid starts clapping hands, laughing. I can't help but think about the screaming Matt I found last night.
What a contrast.
Jake walks to the hallway to get Matt's jacket who refuses to put it on. "You have to, or we wont go."
That were the only words needed to be told to get him into his jacket.
He's so cute wearing that and his little red converses, like a little model. His red shoes, the cute jeans and his leather jacket, his dark eyes and black hair make him look just like Jake. He's going to break hearts when he's older.
*Kate's POV*
I walk in the small bar as three old men look in my direction. The air in here is thick, filled with the smoke if the cigarettes the men are smoking.
I see Liam sitting on his stool in front of an old, black haired lady. The closer I get, the deeper her dimples.
That has to be Charlie. I'm sure she's actually called Charlette or something but she probably though that sounded too classy for a woman like her and changed it into Charlie.
I see Liam saw me coming in but he's ignoring my presence. He has no reason to be mad, I only told him the truth, I can't let Sophia get away with all of the things she already did and said to me in the short period I know her, even if he doesn't like that.
"Hey you're here, I'm Charlie." She puts her hand out to me without standing up. Seems like she isn't going to give us some privacy.
"I'm Kate." I say while shaking hands, it's so awkward to shake the hand of the barkeeper, like we're men in suits.
I sit down next to her in front of Liam. She puts her hands on the table and looks at Liam, bitch please you're fifty or something, you are older than his damn mother.
"So Liam, what did you want to say to Kate now she's here?" Now she's behaving like the teacher in kindergarten.
"I think we better talk about this alone, I'm glad you want to help but"
She doesn't even let me finish my sentence. "Liam?!" She asks with a voice filled with frustration.
"We better talk somewhere else, come on Liam." I stand up but Liam doesn't move. He didn't talk to me since I'm here.
"Uhm Liam, are you coming?"
"You can't tell me what to do Kate, why would I listen to you if you don't even listen to me considering the fact that what I say isn't bullshit."
I don't like this new side of Liam, where is the loving, concerned, smiling Liam? The alcohol killed him.
"So everything that I say is bullshit?"
"Yup, you can say that."
"So when I say I love you, or when I tell you how much you mean to me that's all bullshit to you?"
My heart breaks.
"Well Liam then I'll never talk to you again, to save you from my bullshit."
"Okay, that would be nice."
"But don't you ever try to stop me fighting against Sophia."
"I wont, I promise." And he bites his fingers. He's kidding right? He has to be. I don't want him to keep me away from Sophia but this isn't what I want either, I want support from him.
I give him a last glare and walk straight to the door without looking back. I hear a man whistle but I ignore it completely.
When I walk outside a cold evening breeze strikes my arms. I know Liam is drunk but those words had to be in his mind somewhere. The worst what he said is that when I say I love him, it means nothing to him.
I walk to the bench we were sitting on when he sang to me on my birthday. The bench that caused so many problems but solved them at the some time. The bench that's in my mind 'ours' but in Liam's probably 'hers'. The bench that holds so many memories, that listened to my tears and laughs.
So pathetic to think about a bench this way.
I need to sit down for a minute and take a breath, why in the first place did he get drunk? He never is and I absolutely don't like him that way.
"Hey, well what a coincidence." A familiar voice speaks. I look up to find Finn wearing a red sweater and bleu jeans that suit him perfectly.
"Hey, how are you?" I ask to be polite. Maybe some company will save me from the thoughts that are spoking through me.
"Can't complain. What about you?"
"Not that good actually but it will get better in time." I hope.
"So, do you want to talk about it?"
"It's just.. Liam and I aren't on the same line about a dump ass bitch that tries to ruin my life."
"Sounds fun." He says sarcastically.
"Yea it is." I sigh.
"How are the things between Chelsey and you?"
"It's Kelsey." He laughs. "That didn't really end up well, I found out she stole my wallet." He says as he shakes his head to himself, like he's telling himself how stupid it was to trust that girl who took a bath in black make-up.
"I'm so sorry." I feel sort of bad for him, he deserves a girl who really loves him, not for his wallet.
"It's okay, we didn't get along anyway." He says smiling, fake smiling may I add.
"You can sit down if you want." I propose but he refuses politely.
"I'm sorry, I really want to but I'll be late for my appointment."
My big mouth wants to ask about it but I can stop it just on time.
"Oh I understand, it's okay, you can go." I say with a weak smile.
"If you want me to stay, to talk or something, I'll stay here."
He's so friendly, why did I deserve to meet someone like him?
I smile to tell him it's okay even though I would really like it if he would stay here but I don't want to ruin his 'appointment'.
He gives me a soft kiss on the cheek before walking away, leaving me alone with the big black hole in my chest.
*Celine's POV*
I decide against telling Niall about me throwing up, he would be over-concerned and make me drink one of his disgusting drinks he makes with beer and eggs mixed with tabasco that should help against throwing up, but I know out of experience they usually don't work and make me want to throw up even more.
I walk downstairs to find Niall in front of the television with a remote in his hands. His elbows are resting on his knees and the top of his tongue is visible between his lips, he does that when he's very concentrated, so not very often.
I sit down next to him and put my arm around him what makes a small smile tugging his lips. I always knew Niall was cute but the feeling that flews through me at this very moment is indescribable. I feel like when I'm going to throw up a next time, rainbows will come out of my mouth. I ignore the flutterings in my belly and try to concentrate on his FIFA game.
"Wanna play with me?" He asks, knowing I like playing FIFA as much as he does.
"Okay but don't be mad if you lose."
"You think you're better than me?" He asks with an acted smirk that makes him look even cuter than before, I feel the rainbows growing inside of me, preparing to come out.
I'm still not feeling well, maybe I should see a doctor when Niall is at basketball training or something.
Niall takes the second controller and hands it to me, "watch out."
I smile and roll my eyes at him.
"You're the one who should." I reply and take the controller that's Liam's from him.
"You totally smashed it Celine."
"Thanks." I can't hold back the stupid smile tugging at my lips.
"Never thought a girl would beat me in FIFA." He admits and I kiss his cheek. "For the loser." I smile and he pulls me onto his lap kissing me full on the lips.
*Astrid's POV*
"Matt don't fall into the water!" Jake yells but the kid doesn't hear him. He's running after the ducks on the grass with his arms wide open.
"I really appreciate you being here." He says. "Of course I am, I'm your girlfriend and I really love Matt."
He smiles softly and puts his arm around me.
"It's strange I just.."
"What?" I ask.
"Nothing I just... I never hoped to meet someone like you." He says and I feel him staring at my lips.
"Jake I need to tell you something.."
"I uhm."
Astrid stop! What are you doing? You have four options:
1. You tell him you kissed Harry and he'll forgive you and you have a long and happy life with Jake.
2. You tell him and he wont forgive you and you have a short unhappy life on your own.
3. You don't tell him and feel guilty the rest of your life and try to have a happy life with him.
4. You tell him and break his heart but he can forgive you and you try to have a happy life but you can't push Harry to the side and wont be that happy and break Jake's heart again.
Okay, maybe I have three, the last one isn't relevant.
I chose option three, I keep it a secret and try to have a happy life.
"Yea I'm sorry I just needed to talk with you about Matt."
Damn good rescue, Astrid. I'm very proud of you.
"About Matt?"
"Yea I heard him screaming last night and went to his room. He was crying and shaking it was terrible!"
"You don't hear him, you were fast asleep but it was heartbreaking Jake, he asked for his mother and I saw all his drawings and he asked me to sleep next to him and..."
I can't finish my sentence. I almost burst into tears again as I think about the cute boy laying with sweat on his forehead in his bed, shaking his head heavily.
"And what do you think.. I mean what can I do about it?"
"I don't know, maybe he has to see a psychologist or something."
"Yea maybe."
"No not maybe. Jake this is serious."
"I know but.."
"But what?"
"She's not doing well As, not at all."
"She'll come through this right?"
She has to.
"I don't know."
How do you not know?"
"I just don't."
His hands go through his hair. The tattoo on his shoulder is visible underneath the white fabric of his shirt. The muscles of his arm and six pack are clearly visible, all the passing girls ate staring at him but strange enough I don't feel any bit of jealousy inside of me.
*Kate's POV*
Louis is sitting on the sofa as I put off my jacket. He's zapping with a bowl popcorn on his lap. I take a handful and walk to the kitchen to drink some soda. Just when I open the fridge someone speaks to me.
"I'm happy you're back Kate."
I have a heart-attack and all the popcorn flys through the kitchen.
"Mom please, never do that again." I say under my breath with my hand resting on my rapidly beating heart.
"I'm sorry my love, I just missed you so much." She walks to me and hugs me a bit too tight. I've got no air in here so I'm relieved when she finally lets go of me. Like I didn't see her in years.
"Mom I'm so sorry." I talk into her blond hair.
"Me too honey, me too."
"Can we just forget what happened the past weeks?"
She nods and I can see her eyes are wet.
"I'm going to my room, it's been a long day and I need some rest."
I take the stairs and in no time I'm laying on my stomach on the bed with my diary in front of me, reading the texts I wrote before the accident when suddenly my phone starts ringing.
"See you're living back home."
"Who's this?"
"Oh dear, Liam isn't there to protect you? Maybe he grew some brains and saw what a piece of shit you actually are."
"Leave me alone."
"Listen honey, you aren't getting away with this. You have what's mine and I'm taking it back."
"You're not really saying Liam is yours are you?" I laugh.
"Oh honey laugh, enjoy your stupidness cause it can be the last time you'll ever be able to."
"Is that a threatening?"
"Yes it is, that's exactly what it is."
"You don't even know half how freaky, ugly, bitchy you are."
"Listen I didn't call to chitchat with you. I called to warn you."
"Warn me? For yourself?"
"Exactly, so there are some brains in that lovely head of yours."
"You are so.."
I can't end my sentence, Sophia already hang up the phone.
This becomes sort of creepy, she knows I'm living back home and she has got my phone number.
Is she stalking me? If I was her I wouldn't, if she's coming near me again I'll make her lips explode, I wonder how that didn't happen yet.
There are no words strong enough to describe the hate I feel towards her.
I throw my phone to the head of my bed and turn to my back.
My thoughts dart back to the drunk Liam who basically told me he doesn't love me. I know he does, he loves me. It can't be he faket it all this time, he just didn't. But still, the words did hurt. I let out a breath and close my eyes, trying to get some sleep after this exhausting day.
*Zayn's POV*
Who's at my door this late? I jog to my front door only wearing grey sweatpants. I open the door to find a silent Kevin in the doorway.
Just when I want to close the door in his face he stops me and blocks the door with one hand.
"Zayn we need to talk."
"I don't think so."
"Let me inside."
"Zayn please I need to talk to you."
I open the door go let him in, I roll my eyes at myself for not standing my point but my curiosity was to big.
He's sitting down on a chair at the kitchen table, he puts his phone on it and stares at his feet.
"Are you going to talk or what?" I asks both frustrated and bursting of curiosity and excitement.
Don't get your hopes too high Zayn, he'll probably ruin this anyway.
Like the devil is torturing me Kevin's phone starts ringing. Who's still calling him this late? I quickly spot the name on the screen; William.
Oh nice.
"Uhu... Okay... Yes... Okay... No problem... I'm coming." Kevin says to that William.
Told you Zayn.
"I need to go Zayn, can I come back tomorrow."
"No I'm sorry."
"Saturday then?"
"I think it's better when you aren't coming back anymore."
"What Zayn? No."
"Yes," I say and push his to the door and close it behind him. Leaning against it with my head.
The chapters may last a little longer but I'm trying to make them longer cause otherwise I'll be running out of chapters in the end, I really need to write more in a chapter.

I'll remember him 2
FanfictionSequel on I'll remember him. trailer! http://youtu.be/HdgL6753c-Q