*Kate's POV*
That was hilarious! That guy.. He almost fall on the sidewalk nobody saw it, only me of course. Nobody understands me when I laugh, they think I have no reason but I always see the little hilarious things nobody ever sees. Everybody thinks I'm insane and alcoholic.
Liam puts his arm around my shoulder when we're finally sitting on the backseat of the bus, the five of us next to each other. I'm sitting in the middle and have sight on the whole bus. It's kind of creepy to sit here cause when the bus has to rem suddenly I'll be with my nose against the window next to the driver.
After a few times flying of my seat we reach the station and buy our tickets to travel to the next city.
On the train Niall and Liam are mocking funny voices of the muppets and other weird characters in children movies. For once I'm not the weird one here. But I have to say Niall can do it much better than Liam.
When we reach the station an old lady is waving at us. That has to be Bella. That name reminds me of a cow on a farm but I push that childish thought away. She looks friendly and how closer we get, how brighter her smile. When she waves the old lady skin on her arm swings up and down. She's wearing a orange dress and black granny shoes. She has curled grey hair and big glasses. She isn't too skinny, like a real grandmother looks like.
"Hello honey you look great!" She says and kisses Celine on the cheek. "Thank you, you too." She smiles and when the lady turns to her grandchildren Celine quickly wipes her cheek. "Long time ago Liam." His grandmother says, sadness is clear in her voice. "I know, too long."
She kisses him and hugs him like she didn't see him in years, maybe she didn't. "And who's this beautiful girl?" She says and I smile when I finally understand she's talking about me. "That's Kate, my girlfriend." Liam says and takes my hand. "Don't be weird I know Kate! You grew up so fast, I don't even recognize you!" Believe me, I don't recognize you either. "Do you remember when we were in the backyard, playing with water balloons, we were attacking Liam." She smiles. I nod, I can't tell her about my accident. She seems to care about me and I don't want to hurt her by telling. And when I'm honest I'm not feeling like talking about it now. I'm the reason of her son's damn dead.
"Let's go to my house, I baked a delicious cake, Kate's favorite I remember." If this day keeps going like this I'm not going to survive it.
Liam seems to think the same and squeezes my hand. We follow his grandmother to her dark green Mercedes. Niall is sitting on the passenger seat and I'm sitting on Liam's lap. The drive seems like it's never going to end. Bella is talking about me when I was young and how much she missed me. I'm not listening, I can't I just say yea on the right moment so she doesn't suspect anything.
Liam's hand is striking my leg. His big warm hand on my skin calms me down. That's what he's trying to.
His gives my shoulder little kisses and I catch him on putting his nose in my hair. "What are you doing?" I whisper, with a stupid smile on my face I can't remove. "I wanted to smell the the roses again." He admits. "Okay?"
After what seems like three hours we reach a small house. When I look at Liam's watch I see we've only been in the car for ten minutes. The longest ten minutes of my life.
"Like you see nothing changed here." The lady smiles at me.
"Yea, I see." I lie and try to smile as bright as she does but I fail so damn miserably. "Just pretend like you remember." Liam whispers and I nod. He kisses my hair, it smells like roses he says, and strikes my arm.
The old lady finally finds her keys and opens the dark wooden door.
A dog with blond hair just like me jumps on each of us and licks Astrid's hand. This must be Lily.
"I'll show you the little puppies!" Bella says way too excited and heads to the living room. We follow her and when we walk in the green room we find four little blond puppies. Green has to be her favorite color. "This are Jacky, Finn, Molly and Leo."
Her dogs have names for humans and she for a cow. Again I push the thought away and make new space for better thoughts. Poor girl, alone with three brothers. "Oh this one is so cute!" Astrid yells and holds a little puppy in her arms.
"That's Finn." Niall takes Molly and Celine Leo in theirs arms and Liam lifts the puppy named Jacky up.
"Cute huh?" He asks and I nod in agreement. I strike his little blond head and the puppy starts licking me. "He likes you." Liam says and smiles. Those dimples are going to kill me someday.
"Just like me."

I'll remember him 2
FanfictionSequel on I'll remember him. trailer! http://youtu.be/HdgL6753c-Q