*Kate's POV*
"Why don't you just give up. Why can't you be pleased that Liam is happy now? If you truly love him then you should be able to."
"Because my dear, he is happy with you and he doesn't now yet he can get better."
The way she spits the "yet" makes me shiver from head to toes.
"You mean with you?" I try to keep the humor here to slow down the process of talking to fighting.
"That's exactly what I mean." She says. "I mean look at you Kate, you're cute but not mature or smart. You are so young and impulsive and most of all naïve. He doesn't love you. He loves your looks and the thought of having a cute girlfriend but not the real you Katie."
Urgh, her using my nickname makes me want to vomit all over her.
"You are just.. A kid." She says like she's talking to a ten years old.
"Sophia, you're only one year older than me and besides you don't even know me. It's not that because you stalk me for a few weeks that you know the real me."
"Kate, you are seventeen and had an accident when you were fifteen, Liam's father hit you with his car."
What? How does she know that? Only Liam and I know about that.
"You have an older brother Louis and your mother, Anne, gave birth to twins, Max and Jade, about a month ago. You can't remember your past and for your birthday Liam gave you that necklace. A few days ago he learned you to ride a bike again."
Okay, she knows damn much of me. She just described my life after the accident. How does she know all of this?
"You still don't know who I am." I say with my fingertips striking the necklace. 'Forever.'
"Oh I forgot that huge scar that splits your back in two."
Oh my fucking god.
This gets a bit creepy and shocking.
"Shocked?" She laughs and stands up.
"You're alone babe, you always are and have been and deep inside you know that don't you? Now Liam or that gay friend of yours isn't here to protect you huh?"
She steps closer and the ticking of her heels hurts in my chest. I gulp and don't know where to look so I'll keep it straight into her eyes. A small and mean smile tugs at her lips when she steps closer.
*Liam's POV*
"Are you sure about this?" He ask me and takes Kate's phone from me to take a look at the well spoken details.
Of course am I you dumb ass.
I sigh and grab his arm. There's no time to waist.
"So we're going there and then?"
Is he this stupid or is he really getting the best of me. If he goes on like this he will feel it.
I don't even respond on questions like this.
I drag him out his house for roofless people to his car. I almost push him behind the steering wheel and run to the other side of the car and jump on the passenger seat.
"Is she in danger?" He dares to ask.
"Just drive!" I shout and he looks confused for a second but recovers himself.
"I asked you something."
Is he fucking kidding me?
"I don't know okay, I have no fucking clue but we don't want to take that risk do we? So please, please drive."
He nods and starts his car. Thank god I don't have to drag him out of this car and drive myself there.
Zayn stops on the corner of the street. I spoke too loud.
"Zayn can you hurry up? We will be too late!"
"too late for what?"
"Do I really have to make a drawing of this? She's with fucking Sophia! So place your foot on the gas and hurry up!"
*Kate's POV*
"Enjoy the last sun babe." She whispers into my ear. I can feel the warmth of her breath against the skin of my neck when her fist finds the exact same place where she hit me in the stomach. The skin is still blue and yellow and the pain still didn't fade away so I can tell that this hurts like bloody hell.
I try to hit her back but her hand catches my fist before I can touch her. She tightens her grip and I can feel her nails being pushed into the bare skin of my hand.
"No joking darling." She spits on her usual bitchy tone.
Her other hand goes to her pocket and I see my chance to hit her in the face. Her mouth opens and her eyes widen.
This is like a real bitch fight.
I daren't even blink to give her a hundreds of a second when I see what she has in her hand.
The silver material shines in the downing sun. Her eyes are as cold as ice and the way she bites her lip makes me feel like I didn't feel in a few years.
I feel scared.
Scared to die.
The skin of her hand that holds the knife gets white by her grip. Her other hand grabs my throat and I freeze. Don't know what to do or say. The knife slowly comes closer and closer.
*Zayn's POV*
"Zayn, if we're too late then your the second person on my killing list."
I don't have to ask to know who's the first one on that list.
"Here, go left."
I know the way but i better shut up, he's already on the top of his toes and I don't want to be his victim when he loses his temper.
I don't even know why he suddenly wants to go there. I only made up Kate's in the park with Sophia.
That fact obvious makes him more nervous than ever.
"Finally.." He sighs. "That seemed like hours of getting here." He says when I pull into a lot.
The car isn't even parked or Liam is already gone. I have no time to close my car and run after him.
*Kate's POV*
The silver material softly traces the skin on my cheek and slides down to my neck and shoulders where Sophia puts more pressure on it. The knife tears my skin open and I want to scream like a little scared girl.
That's actually what I am.
A little, scared girl.
I can't find my voice, I'm literally frozen. When I try to get out of her grip Sophia only tightens it.
She grabs my hair and pulls me with her into the trees and pushes me on the ground before placing herself on my knees. Suddenly she has tape in her hands, what she places on my mouth. Fine. Now I can't breath properly either.
I feel the blood from my shoulder wetting my clothes and skin. The red liquid spreads it selfs on the grass. Sophia gives me another amount of beats and crabs on the face. I start getting the feeling that I'm in a storm on a fishers boat.
For the last time I see her grabbing the knife and bringing it to my lower belly. The cold material touches my skin and this time, the pain is indescribable. The blue skin gets covered by blood and now I can find my voice, but it's too late. I try to scream through the tape on my lips but fail. Tears fill my eyes but I refuse to cry in front of this bitch. I refuse to give her what she wants.
"You look a lot like Lola now." She grins into my ear.
These were the last words I heard before everything got black.
(Hey peopleee :) hope you still like the story, by changing of POV all the time I tried to make it more special or something but I think I failed)😛

I'll remember him 2
FanfictionSequel on I'll remember him. trailer! http://youtu.be/HdgL6753c-Q