*Kate's POV*
It never took this long to walk to my house. My legs wont function and my brain is too busy to listen to Liam who's been talking to me since we left that bench.
"Uhu." I say on the right moments and It doesn't seem like Liam suspects something. Or he's hiding it and keeps talking.
"We're here." He says like I wont recognize my own house.
"Yea." I softly say.
"So what do we do now?"
"I don't know."
"Do you want me to come inside? Or should I leave?"
"I don't know." I sigh.
"I'll come with you and we see what happens." He says, knowing that I want just that.
The front door opens and my older brother is in the doorway.
"Hey Katie, come in." He says on his hello-I-am-Louis-and-I-hide-something-for-you tone, totally ignoring Liam's presence.
"Mum will be home in twenty minutes." He announces while walking to the sofa.
"Sit down I need to tell you something." He says. "And I think you wont like to hear it."
My curiosity is taking control over my body. No, it's not really curiosity, it's more the nerves that make me putting my hair behind my ear and my hands shaking.
"I.." He starts and looks at Liam while pausing his sentence.
Liam lifts his chin up to show Louis has to go on and tell me.
"I'm leaving Kate."
"Oh. Okay." I say completely relieved. Why did they have to make such a drama about this. Okay, I'll miss him but he left me once before, why is it such of a big deal now?
"No listen you don't understand."
Louis pushes me back down on the sofa. "I'm leaving.. To France." He says and holds his breath.
"What.. Why?... For how long?"
I ask. To France? Why the hell would he go there.
"Emma is from France and her family.."
Oh that Emma.
"Why do you always run after her? You quit fucking school because she wants you to. You live with her because she wants you to. You move to fucking France because her family lives there? You know what Louis, your family lives here! So stay the hell here in fucking America where you belong!"
I stand up, so does Louis.
"That's where I belong, with her! Kate if Liam would move you would follow him too! You're my sister, you should understand me like I understand you."
"When Louis? When did you ever understand me?" I yell.
"Your intire fucking life Kate! I was the one who replaced your dad, learned you how to ride a bike, organized all your birthday parties, I was the one who was there when he wasn't!" He yells pointing to Liam who gets up from the sofa as well.
Now it gets personal.
"I was the one who was there your intire life Kate, how can you say I didn't understand you when you can't remember a fucking single thing about your past!? Without me you were nothing Kate, all I did was for you but you lost your fucking memory!"
Too personal.
Tears come up but I hold them, I don't want to cry in front of my brother who's pointing at the dark mystery that is my past.
My chest in burning and I can pull all the hair out of my head right now, scream and shout and run away as fast as I can, leaving all this shit behind.
"Wow." Is the only thing I say. Tears come up again and I can't hold them any longer, I shake my head and walk to the door.
I run to the front door, hearing Liam scream to my brother. But I can't make up a single word. My head is too busy with feeling hurt.
Where am I even going?
When I'm standing in the middle of the street, no clue where to go, I hear the front door closing.
Liam yells but my tears make my sight misty and I can't think clearly. I'm still standing in the middle of the street when a car has to dodge me Liam runs up the street and grabs my arm.
He pulls me with him to the sidewalk when a second car honks.
"Are you crazy!" He yells.
Yea maybe I am.
My cheeks are wet and a string of my hair is in my tears. Liam moves it back and kisses my jaw.
"Never. Never do that again okay."
He whispers into my ear, in his soft voice isn't a single track of madness. In contrast to a few moments ago.
"Okay." I say softly, half crying against his chest.
Not even his good smell comes to me, I'm too focussed on Louis leaving to France.
Fucking Europe.
Fucking Emma.
Fucking France.
*Astrid's POV*
Jake kisses my cheek while holding my hand, little Matt is sitting at the kitchen table in front of a plain white paper. The dark haired boy puts his pencil to his mouth and starts chewing. Jake looks at it and sighs before shaking his head. He clearly told Matt a hundred times before not to do that.
The thought of Jake raising his little brother makes me warm inside. When you meet Jake on the street you wouldn't tell he has such a big heart. Actually, his muscled arms and the tattoo on the top of his arm and his handsome face with his perfect withe teeth would tell he's a jerk. But inside he's the warmest person I know where every girl would smelt for.
The thought of him not being a virgin anymore scares me a bit. I'm a completely fool when it comes to kissing and boyfriends and stuff but he has a lot of experience. I hope he wont laugh with me or something.
What a thought.. Jake would never laugh with me or my kissing-skills.
So didn't Harry.
Aah Harry get out of my head!
I don't love you and I never will!
"Astrid?" Little Matt is pulling at my dress. "I want to show you something." He grabs my hand and walks to the long hallway that leads to his bedroom.
The room didn't change, I didn't expect it to. Only the dark bleu walls are full of drawings. I walk to the long wall to take a look.
This makes me wanna cry.
All the drawings are of a woman, that represents his mother, who's laying in a white bed in a small room with mint green walls, in some of his drawings there's a table with a vase filled with flowers.
"Omg!" I put my hands for my mouth.
In one of his picture his mother is bald. Her head is only pink, out of her dark eyes stream tears.
A tears reaches my lips.
I lick it away.
The salt taste touching my tongue.
I walk a bit further, he drew tons of drawings, who knows there are even more of this paintings that aren't placed on the wall.
Again my hand claps on my already swollen lips.
This is the saddest thing I've ever seen in my life.
And hopefully will see.
Matt drew his mother, plain white laying in a chaste. Omfg.
I can't hold myself together any longer.
I turn to face the three years old Matt who's sitting on his bed with loads op cheats of paper on his lap.
"Come here." He says putting his little hand out to me.
"Do you like this one?"
I look at the drawing in his hands, he drew a pink heart with purple little hearts around it.
"Yes, I like it very much." I say, relieved I didn't have to see another sad picture.
"This one is for Sara." He says proudly and puts his shoulders backwards like a gorilla, showing how proud he is.
A small laugh escapes from my mouth through my tears. I strike his hair.
"She will love it." I say. "Is she.. You know... Someone special?" I ask smiling, still through my tears.
"Noo." He says, clearly lying.
"Oh I see." I say and wink at him.
*Zayn's POV*
Kevin only text me once.
'Do you still love me?'
What a question, like you can stop
loving someone in just a second.
He didn't even apology or said he loves me and wants me to come back. He didn't even type a 'x'.
I question myself if he is actually worth my thoughts, worth my pain.
My conclusion is he isn't.
He isn't worth my tears, he clearly doesn't care about me the way I care about him.
I need a beer.
Or two.
Or more.
*Kate's POV*
"I think I need some time to come to myself." I say. Liam nods, "I can take you to my place?"
"No Liam thanks but I mean alone, really alone," he nods again.
"And where are you planning on going to then?" He asks me, clearly concerned.
"Don't know yet, I'm sure I'll get somewhere." I say and give him a small, fake smile.
"I want to know where you are Kate, in case Sophia.."
I don't let him finish that sentence.
"Don't say that name ever again."
I still want to know who Lola is, and Liam obviously doesn't want to tell me.
"Listen, if something happens to you I wont forgive myself okay so just text me where you are and if something's wrong you call me instantly okay?"
I nod.
"No Kate I mean it."
"Okay, I'll call."
"Good." He doesn't seems to be very comfortable about this but lets it go. I'm pretty sure he will arrive the soon as I texted him where I am.
I nod and Liam kisses my cheek and my lips. "Be careful okay?" He says, holding my face between his hands.
"Yea, I promise." I say and bite on my fore and middle fingern
"What? How do you know... Do you remember?" He stutters, still holding my face.
"Remember what?" I ask him while taking his hands into mine and slowly bringing them to my hips.
"That... Our swear... Our sign of promise.. How?" He stutters again.
"Liam?" I smile and he blushes.
"We used to do that when we were younger when we promised something." He says.
-7years old sequel on the other flashback-
"Swear it!" I say.
"Swear what?" Liam asks and smiles brightly.
"Promise that you will tell me everything!"
"Okay... I promise I will..."
"Nooow! Not like that! Like this!"
I grab his right hand and take his middle and fore finger between mine and bring them to his pink lips.
"Open." I demand and he listens like he is my dog.
"Close." Liam closes his mouth.
"Know bite." I say while smiling brightly.
"Show me your teeth." I say, Liam smiles and shows his teeth who're biting the two fingers.
"Now say the words: Dear Kate."
"Dear Kate." He repeats me.
"I promise."
"I promise."
"That you will always be the first."
"That you will always be the first."
"To tell something to."
"To tell something to."
"Even when I promised someone else not to."
"Even when I promised someone else not to."
"Dear Kate."
"Dear Kate."
"I love you."
"I love you."
"You are my best friend."
"You are my best friend,"
"Till the end."
"Liam say it!"
"Till the end." He softly says with his two fingers between his teeth.
I don't know how I have to feel about his reaction on that last sentence.
*Kate's POV*
"Yea I think I can remember." I say.
"We were around eight and you..."
"Seven." I correct him and his smile is brighter than ever before.
"Seven." He quietly says while putting his arms around me again.
"So... Have fun.. Wherever you go. Don't forget to text me." Liam says and I roll my eyes.
"No daddy."
I wish I didn't spoke those last words. Maybe Liam will be hurt and then I will feel even more terrible.
Luckily he isn't.
He smiles and turns around and starts walking away, so do I. So strange to walk away from Liam.
We both stop walking at the same time and turn around, facing each other. Liam comes back and presses his pull lips onto mine for a last time.
"I love you." He says while putting my hair behind my ear.
"I love you too." I whisper.
"I'll go I'm sorry." He says and kisses me for the real last time this time and waves when he's at the corner of the street. I wave back and turn around. Time to clear my head.
I think I can use a drink, or multiple.
I walk in the first bar I see and take a seat, then I spot black hair that look familiar. I step closer and recognize Zayn, sitting on a chair turning circles with the bottle of his beer.
I order my beer too and sit next to him. "Can I sit here?" I ask and take a sip from my cold beer. I'm not used to drink so the alcohol burns in my throat.
"Sure." Zayn says.
"What brings you here?" He asks.
"Family problems.. And you?"
"Kevin." He says with a low voice.
"Did you talk to him?"
"We were sort of dating." Zayn says.
"Why didn't you tell me about it?" I ask a bit hurt because Zayn didn't tell me he listened to me and talked to Kevin.
"I'm sorry, forgot about it," he says and I give him a warm smile.
Before I realize my beer is already gone.
"I'll get us another one." I say and he nods.
Minutes later I'm back with two beers in my hand. I put one of the brown bottles in front of him next to his two already empty bottles.
"Hey Kate, didn't think to see you again." A friendly voice from behind me interrupts our conversation.
"Finn!" I yell a bit overenthusiastic but I blame the alcohol.
"Good to see you again." The half-drunk me hugs him and the girl next to him frowns, I didn't see he brought someone.
"This is Kelsey, my date." He says, following my eyes to the girl.
They are the weirdest couple I've ever seen. Finn is so sweet and handsome and she is so fake, her hair is colored black and she's wearing loads of makeup.
Her nails are black painted and her lips are covered with red lipstick.
She's wearing a fake golden necklace with a huge fake diamond.
"Well, have fun." I say still staring at the ugly girl that reminds me of Sophia in so many ways.
"We will." Blacky says, I already forgot her name, again I blame the alcohol. She looks at Finn and her long black nail strikes his neck while she kisses his shoulder, disgusting.
Finn smiles uncomfortable and winks at me before leaving me and Zayn alone.
"That seemed like a bitch." Zayn says, he clearly can resist against the alcohol better than me.
"I'll be right back, I'm going to piss." Zayn announces and stands up from his seat. Here I am sitting alone at a table, already five empty bottles in front of me.
"Look who we got here."
You have to be kidding me.
This is really the last person in the world I want a conversation with now, but the first on my killing list if I would ever have one.
"Well, long time no see." The alcohol speaks for me. I stand up, but can barely stand on my feet.
"Our little kid is a bit drunk I see." Sophia laughs and pushes me back down on my chair.
"You should know better than try to fight against me, just give me Liam or I'll ruin you."
"You can't ruin me."
"Than I'll ruin Liam if that's what you want. I will tell greet him from you."
"You ugly bitch!" I yell and before I can stop myself, not that I would if I could, my hands hit her cheek, hard.
She doesn't deserve any better.
But Sophia seems to think about that differently.
Before I can stop her, her hand grabs my hair and pulls me to the floor, her feet start kicking me. It hurts, it hurts so much. I scream and some of the people in the pub look or come closer but don't do anything.
"Hey stop it!"
"Go away you gay!" Sophia pushes him to the side. Zayns looks a bit down for a second but recovers and pushes Sophia against the wall.
Her head hits the hard wall and she starts bleeding, she stands up and walks quickly to the door while yelling something at us but we both don't hear it.
My hand finds my stomach, it hurts so much.
"Are you okay? who was that bitch?"
The only thing I can think about is Liam. I broke my two promises I made.
"Liam... Liam..." I try to ask Zayn to call Liam for me, to warn him for Sophia who wants to 'ruin' him. But I can't find my voice because of the pain and the alcohol.
"No, it's Zayn."
You stupid call him! I want to yell but can't. That were eight hard kicks right into my stomach.
"I bring you to my place." He says and takes me in his arms.
The cold air strikes the skin of my drunk body.
A short practical thing for you:
Some of you asked me where they can find the trailers. Just go to youtube and type some words like: trailer I'll remember him and the name of the character you want to see. I made a trailer for each character and one for each book too, normally if you watched one, in the end there are some little pictures you know... That are mostly the other trailers ;) hah you will find. In all the chapters of the first and the first of the second book are the links but I know you can only see them with your computer so when I finished my exams I will put the link in my bio okay? Love you all!
Ps: thank you for voting! Keep doing that it means a lot to me! Thank you so much for the sweet messages I get, they make my day! Xx kathleen

I'll remember him 2
FanfictionSequel on I'll remember him. trailer! http://youtu.be/HdgL6753c-Q