*Liam's POV*
I keep staring at her eyes, waiting for them to open, to stare into mine.
The annoying beep is the only sound that breaks the frightening silence.
"I have to go. I have an appointed with someone." Zayn says. "Unless you need me here then I'll say I'm not going."
I shake my head, I didn't notice he was here anyway.
He strikes Kate's hair before leaving me alone with her.
Not that alone I guess.
"What the fuck happened to her!?" Louis yells and pulls me from the bed and pushes me backwards.
"Speak up!" He yells again.
"I-I don't know." I stutter.
"Liar! Tell me or I'll beat the answer out of you!"
"I don't know Louis!" I yell back. I really don't know what happened. In my mind I do but my heart isn't able to accept what my head's saying.
He glares at me before turning to his sister with tears in his eyes. His hand touches her cheek and slides down to her neck and shoulder, resting on the bandages.
"What's under this?" He asks me with a small cracking voice.
"Uhm I knife.. A cut.." I stutter.
"Gentleman! I have to ask you to keep quiet. The patient needs rest and you are bothering the other patients." A third voice speaks.
"Then explain me what happened to her!?" He yells back at the shy girl.
"The patient has deep cuts and lost a lot of blood, she was a long time on the cold ground near to a fountain so her longs are damaged."
"She's surviving this right?" I ask to receive a glare from Louis.
"If her state doesn't get better in a few days then we would have to bring her into a coma. But if it gets better she can be home in a few weeks, or a month, or a year, it depends on the circumstances."
"What.. What happens then? When she's in a coma?" Lou asks.
"We don't know that yet, we have to be patient and look at the results."
Louis nods and sits down in one of the chairs.
"She's lucky." The girls says.
"Lucky? Lucky!?!?" Louis stands up again. "How dare you say that? This is the girl with the most miserable life I know!" He yells.
"I mean that she's lucky because if this guy didn't find her sooner she probably wouldn't be alive anymore!" The girl shouts back. Louis is surprised and his eyes widen. The girl strikes her green uniform before walking out the room.
*Kate's POV*
He saved my life.
"Kate? Katie, can you hear me?" My brother asks me. His voice is much softer than when he was shouting to Liam. Liam who only did the best he could and I ruined it. For him and for myself. I ruined everything. Completely.
I want to talk back to them, tell them I hear them and that I'm so thankful that they're here. I want to tell them what happened and that I love them unconditionally and most of all I want to apology to Liam. But my voice seems to have left my body and my body isn't connected with my brain. I can only think. I'm not able to move a finger or talk. I'm too tired.

I'll remember him 2
FanfictionSequel on I'll remember him. trailer! http://youtu.be/HdgL6753c-Q