*Celine's POV*
The voices keep speaking too loud, I want to yell they have to shut up and let me sleep but I can't.
"He'll be here in five minutes." One of the voices speaks. Finally I can make up some words of the sentences they speak.
"Can you give us a minute?" This voice is Niall. My Nialler. I will recognize this voice out of all the voices in the world. His soft accent sounds like music to my ears.
After a low creak it's silent again.
Am I dead now?
Niall starts speaking soft words again, not as loud as the other irritating voices."Hey, I hope you can hear me." He starts. I want to talk back but I can't find my voice.
"I'm scared Cel," he admits. "Why were you in a locked bathroom with barely clothes on and the window wide opened?" He takes a deep breath. "I hope it's nothing serious and that you just hadn't enough sugar or something." His soft finger traces the skin of my forehead to my cheek. "I love you Celine, more than anything." I want to kiss him, tell him I love him so much."I really hope there's nothing serious going on and that the doctor will say he came for no reason." Without seeing him I know he's smiling right now and that his smile will fade away after two seconds.
*Astrid's POV*
"Here it is." I show the doctor the room.
"I came as fast as I could." The man says while walking in like it is his usually greeting. He sits next to Celine on the bed. Celine is still as white as a dead body but instead of cold she's feeling warm again and her pulse is back to normal.He takes some doctor stuff out of his black bag and opens Celine's eyes with two fingers. He talks some shit about her blood and pulse, the only thing I understand is that we have to keep her warm and when she doesn't wake up in fifteen minutes we have to call him again. When she wakes up she has ti drink some soda and eat a biscuit.
She'll like to hear that.I thank him and show him the door.
Niall didn't say a word during the time he was here. "Try to open your eyes, try to speak." He sighs. "I know you're trying but try harder.""Niall maybe we have to.." He doesn't let me finish my sentence.
"I'm not leaving her alone." He says on a tone that doesn't allow any 'but'.*Kate's POV*
"What's going on out there?" I wipe my eyes when Liam tries to come back to bed quietly.
"Nothing Celine isn't that well but the doctor says.."
"There was a doctor here? What's wrong with her? I'm going to check on her." I say without breathing.
"I think she needs some rest, Niall will take care of her."I nod, he's right. He always is.
"Is it something serious?"
"I don't think so, tomorrow she's back to normal."Liam kisses my cheek before covering himself with the blanket.
I lay my head back down on the pillow. "Stop thinking about it Katie she's alright." He really can read my thoughts, he knows me better than anyone, even than myself.
"Okay." I say softly and he kisses my shoulder.*Niall's POV*
I'm wide awake, I don't know for how long I'm already staring at her but it feels like a long time. When she isn't awake in five minutes I have to call that doctor again. With his stupid glasses, feeling better than everyone else in the city cause he's a doctor.
I stand up, walk back and forth and sit down again. I can't hold it any longer, I have to call him. I take the phone in my hands and search his number. I try to wake her once again but fail so I press the green button.
I stand up and walk to the door. When I turn around to look at her she's slightly moving. Her hands are making fists and her lips make slow movements. Her green eyes are slightly opened and she lets out a small breath. She moans something unclearly and turns her face to look at me.

I'll remember him 2
FanfictionSequel on I'll remember him. trailer! http://youtu.be/HdgL6753c-Q