*Celine's POV*
It feels odd to walk up this porch without Niall behind me. I need to tell Niall I'm pregnant. I haven't decided yet if I have to tell him it isn't his. I made a few options for myself.
1. Abortion ----> single
2. Tell him the truth and break his heart. ----> single
3. Lie to him, he finds out----> single
4. Lie to him, he doesn't want a baby yet. ----> single
Anyways I'll end up single.
Niall opens the door and when his eyes find me, a smile appears on his pink lips. He hugs me and I hug him back very tight; it could be the last time I would ever be able to hug him.
His big hand finds my back and lead me to his bedroom that's surprisingly clean. He closes the door and smiles.
"So.. What do you want to talk about?" He asks me a bit too over-enthusiastic.
"Well.. I think you better sit down."
*Liam's POV*
"I still have no good feeling about this." Louis says. We didn't tell him about Sophia; that seemed the best to both of us. We told him we would go for a week or three camping.
"I'll be alright." Kate says and kisses his jaw. It's clear in her voice that's she's nervous to go 'camping' too.
I put her suitcase in the trunk and close it with a loud noise. I kiss her lips before I wave shortly to Lou.
We both close our seat belts and when I say Zayn can start driving Kate keeps waving to Louis.
She crosses her arms and stares out of the window.
"I hate lying to Lou," she says to the passing trees and houses.
"Me too but it's for your own sake."
"I would be more comfortable when you stay at my place." Zayn adds. He doesn't even know shit about it.
"Do you know who Lola is then?"
"No but I don't have to know Lola to see that you're safer at my place."
"I can take care of myself." She whispers.
"Yea we both saw how that turned out." Zayn laughs. What the hell is funny about that?
He thinks it's not getting worse..
But this is just the start.
"I was drunk okay.. That wasn't fair."
"Sophia isn't fair Kate, she wont let you the next time cause you're drunk
She sighs, I know what that means; she doesn't want to argue this cause she's pretty sure she's 'right'.
The rest of the drive we spent in silence. Zayn isn't smart enough to put the music on to lighten the mood in here. Or maybe put a window open cause there is almost no air in here, and if there's air in this small place she's thick or taken by another person in this car.
Finally -thank god- we arrive at Zayn's place. Zayn opens his trunk and takes her suitcase when I put my arms around Kate.
"I still wonder why.. But I trust you Liam." She says softly. I gulp and give her a soft kiss. "I promise, it's better if you don't know about it."
She nods and Zayn gives us a signs with his head to follow him inside.
We take the elevator to the third floor and Zayn searches his keys.

I'll remember him 2
FanfictionSequel on I'll remember him. trailer! http://youtu.be/HdgL6753c-Q