*Liam's POV*
I slowly lift my head up from Kate's chest. It takes me a second to realize I fell asleep, listening to her heartbeats, in this hideous room. My head is pounding and I wish Kate's pulse didn't slow down.
The annoying and most of all frightening sound of the machine next to her speeds up and a nurse runs in the room. Her actions are quick and confusing but it makes to beep going back to normal.
The nurse heads back to the hallways without talking to me. They tried to make me leave earlier but I swear to god that I'm not leaving her side until I know she's okay. And after that I wont leave her side either.
I take a glance at the clock, it's almost noon, Louis can be here with the twins any minute. And not to forget Anne of course. I've been weighting the options;
1. She will be devastated and cry
2. She will be furious and almost beat the shit out of me.
3. She will be out off guard and will be completely silent.
Knowing Anne option three isn't really available. I'm scared she will be insulting me and most of all that she will think I hurt Kate. Or that Kate hurt herself.
If there's one person you don't need in stressful and emotional situations like this it is Anne.
I sit up straight when I hear a quick ticking of heels in the hallway, without getting my eyes of Kate.
I hear Anne gasping and slowly coming closer to the bed. Tears filled her eyes as she strikes the hair of her daughter.
"What happened to you?" She whispers to Kate.
"They don't know what happened yet." Louis says and places the buggy against the wall before standing next to his mother.
"Why her?" Anne cries. "Why my Katherin?" Short sobs fill the silence.
"Liam how did this happen? She was with you?" Anne asks.
"No.. She uhm she was with a friend and it happened after she left there. The friend and I were looking for her and called the ambulance." I say.
Anne nods. "What friend?"
"Zayn." I answer her almost angry question.
"I never heard of him before? Who is that?" Anne can be so overreacting and just like Kate keep asking those questions. But in a situation as this, I don't blame her.
Just when Anne opens her mouth to ask another question, Astrid opens the door and walks in the room, Celine following her on the heels.
I know this is hard for Astrid, it's hard for all of us but she's the only one who knows what happened to Lola. Her face gets plain white and her fingers start trembling. Her eyes keep staring at Kate, burned on her shoulder. Celine slowly comes closer and places her hand on my shoulder. "She'll get through this, she's a strong girl." She whispers into my ear. Yeah indeed, she is. But not even a strong girl would have to come through something like this. Not even a strong girl deserves this.
Especially not her. Not Kate.
I attempt to smile but fail. But being the kind person she is, Celine doesn't call me out and just tries to smile back. But I know better. Her eyes are glossy and she can burst into tears any second.
When I look at my sister I notice her wiping a tear away. She shakes her head heavily and almost runs out of the room. Celine doesn't notice, her eyes are staring at Kate just like Anne's and Louis'.
I decide to be the good brother and go after her. When I open the door I find Astrid sitting on one of the black chairs in the hallway. If Kate would see this she would probably be complaining about how the colors of the chairs totally don't match whit the colors of the floor and walls and that an architect's eyes would explode if he saw this.
I sit down next to her without saying a word. And after some silence Astrid starts speaking to me.
"We could have avoided this." She says, biting her tears away.
"I know." I sigh. "This is all my fault, if I just had warned her then.." My sister doesn't let me finish that sentence. "Liam this isn't your fault. If we told her she would be going anyway or she would be frightened."
"Or not." I say. "Or she would just be careful and try to avoid Sophia."
"I.. I am as guilty as you." She sighs.
The tears washing down her face now. "If I would have been a good friend and told her what she deserved to know.."
"That's not true, and you know it." I say before pulling her into a hug. We're both crying now.
"What's happening now? I mean... She'll get through this right?"
"They say that if her condition isn't getting better they'll have to put her into a coma."
"No. No no no." Astrid cries.
*Kate's POV*
After some time Liam and Astrid walk back in. I don't really can make up what they're saying but when I fell a few kisses I know my visitors are leaving.
Am I alone now? I hope not.
When I feel a warm hand that I immediately recognize I know that Liam is still here. He isn't leaving me until I get through this he yelled to a nurse. She tried to talk it out of him and change his mind but he's stubborn. I'm so thankful he is.
"Kate do you hear me?"
Yes Liam, yes! I want to scream but my voice seemed to be cut away by Sophia's knife. "If you hear me then just squeeze my hand." He tries, his voice is so hopeful that I feel sorry for him. I try though, but it's so frustrating that I can hear them but can't talk back.
"Okay uhm, I want to tell you something, if you can hear me or not." He sighs.
"I hate you so much." I sigh as Liam keeps singing while I'm doing my homework. I begged him a hundred times to stop even though I could be listening to his voice eternally. He smirks and lays down next to me on my bed.
"Are you still thinking about that?" He points to my book.
"No." I lie.
He kisses my cheek before whispering in my ear. "Liar." I feel his lips turning into a smile against my ear. "I'll help you." He says and brings a ballpoint pen to his lips.
He looks so smart know, hot even.
"Katie Katie Katie, you can't just put the x there! You have to multiply it with 7/6x first." He says and start writing in my notes. "You see?" He asks.
(I know the chapters aren't that long anymore but I think this is a good point to end it. And so I can update sooner ;) I hope you all still like the story! Comment please I like to read what you think that's going to happen and stuff and voteeeee :) xx)

I'll remember him 2
FanfictionSequel on I'll remember him. trailer! http://youtu.be/HdgL6753c-Q