*Liam's POV*
I wasn't aware I fell asleep till I woke up a few minutes ago. Laying with my head on her belly while sitting on a chair is really going to be the dead of my back. Kate is -surprise- still keeping her eyes closed and refuses to move a muscle. If she isn't moving anytime soon they'll have to put her into a coma. That's for 80% sure already. That number makes my head spinning. 80/100.
I shake my head, it can't be that way. She will come through this without a coma. She just has to. If she would just smile or squeeze my hand she would literally save me from jumping off a bridge.
"Morning." A fat nurse growls, 'Kelly' her name tag says. Fat Kelly. Hah.
She places a plate filled with breakfast on the small table and walks over to us.
"She isn't awake yet?" Her harsh voice asks.
"No.. Does it look like that to you? Are you blind or something?" I snap.
"Calm down boy, I know you have to be upset but you don't have to be aggressive to nurses who bring you food." She says calmly.
"Sorry." I mutter, a bit surprised by her calmness. Kelly puts her hand on Kate's head and turns to me.
"Listen kid I have to change the bandages and take some blood for the final tests.. Would you please leave the room?" She asks. The fat girl has a bun on the back of her head and like all the other nurses she's wearing those white hideous shoes. Kate's eyes would be burning if she saw them. But she doesn't.
"I'm not leaving her side until she tells me to." I say firmly.
"You know she can't talk right?"
"Exactly." I cross my arms.
"Well, I understand you want to be the good boyfriend, the hero but you'll have to see a lot of blood." The way she talks to me intimidates me on a strange way. Her voice is full of sarcasm and she talks like she is so much better than everyone but on another strange way I respect her.
"I can handle some blood."
"Okay, then." She sighs and walks out the room to get her bandages and all the other doctor-stuff.
When she comes back she slowly gets the bandages that are soaked with blood off Kate's skin and places the new ones. Good thing Astrid isn't here, she would already been passed out and fell on the floor.
When Kelly starts taking blood from Kate I have to admit I'm not feeling very well. I take a few steps back and look away.
"So brave hero, where is your big mouth now?" She smirks
"I said I wasn't leaving her, not that I was going to watch how you drag the blood out of her arm." I say back. Hah. What you got to say on that huh, Kelly?
She doesn't answer but I can smell she is rolling her eyes at me.
"Sooooo.. We're done here for now." She says and turns to me but I avoid her eyes and go back to what I'm already doing for three days now: staring at Kate.
Kelly sighs and walks out of the room. But the door isn't even closed before someone else walks in. Zayn and another guy join me in the room. I can see the black guy isn't feeling very comfortable being here.
"How is she doing?" Zayn asks.
"Fantastic." I growl and he rolls his eyes.
"We wanted to take you out for dinner, you're like almost three days in here and didn't eat."

I'll remember him 2
FanfictionSequel on I'll remember him. trailer!